hes booked in tomorrow at 4pm for another assesment. so fingers crossed another 24 hours and he may be able to show the vet he can use his leg. the other one is useless, its just limp and dragging behind him. but he seems perky enough today. i took him into bed at 5am, as he was sitting by the baby gate meowing, saying good morning like he used to.
he ate some breakfst all on his own, after a little encouragemetnt, and he even decided to eat a few mouthfuls of Tangos left over breakfast..back to his usual self, pinching Tangos dinner!! and he had a long drink of water, all on his own. so thats an improvement from yesterday.
im off to work now, so mums coming over to babysit, im just worried now, if he can get up on a chair he may try to get over the baby gate, and come downstairs. although we live in a bungalow, weve converted the coal celler into another lounge/garden room, and have a wood open tread spiral staircase off the main hall down to the garden room and conservatory, i dint want him venturing down there, he will never make the stairs.
anyway..i think progress is being made. hes had 2 days on his new tablets and i think there doing thier job.
hes now not just a 'special cat' ...hes a 'special needs cat!!
Stevie(hubby) says the brightest stars fade the quickest,,,but my little bright star isnt going to fade, im not going to let him