STS this morning , to be expected , and im a bit constipated despite the bran in my porridge and Im tempted to pico perle tonight but its only been 4 days so i dont think that warrants drastic measures in my case
By my reckoning Ill probably sts tomoro as well and then lose for monday weigh in , will it or wont it say 10 ......the suspense is killing me , but i know one thing once I see a 10 im not going back to 11 , isnt it funny how it remotivates you , every lb should be the same but some just mean more than others
just goes to show how this is a psychological battle as much if not more than a physical one and how you can use your own warped psychology to your advantage
oooo bit deep for a saturday morning lol
I predict a stressful weekend , Im chair of a committee of a single parent travel club and we opened up bookings for our AGM in june yesterday , the volley of stupid questions has begun already so i doubt ill move far from my laptop for the next 2 days
I will make an effort to fit in some kind of movement , as i think being too sedentary for too long is what caused my back to go before , hoping for snow later ,
remember last winter when we had all that snow , I couldnt get my car out of the drive for 5 dasy becasue my drive is on a slope , straight down into someone elses house and was covered in ice , it didnt matter much , we had plenty of food in , but my then 4 year old didnt have a sledge , and I couldnt even get one delivered before the snow melted , so followed the obligatory mothers guilt , "Im the only child i the whole street who doesnt have a sledge " boo hoo , so used some christmas money an aunt gave him to get a sledge and no bloody snow , I think im the only person who is wishing for it
wouldnt mind a few snow days off work, its half term next week , so a couple of my wee ones dont come as the parents are teachers but still have the other 3 plus mine of course Oh well roll on Easter , want to be at least 10st by then and blow my friends away