Pig to Princess Diaries

Hi dropping by to subscribe and follow your journey :)

Hi! Thank you and welcome! Hope you don't mind a roller coaster!

x Kayla x
Going to do a catch up post tomorrow. I did a long day today and I have to be up early for Slimming World!! SW day has arrived! Excited!!

I had a salad with cut up cooked turkey slices for both lunch and dinner (had toast with dinner salad) as I did a big batch last night so I didn't have to make anything tonight! It was surprisingly satisfying.

Fluids: 3L of water, 1 green tea, and a big mug of English tea with semi skimmed milk with my dinner.

So yes that's my day, I'm totally pooped!


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Whoo hoo best of luck :)
Cant wait to c how u have done x x
SW DAY! Fat Fighting Army

My internet went just as I was posting this blog post, but it managed to save. So I'm just going to copy and paste it here and then do a Day 1 post after it.

20th June 2014 - It's official! This morning I joined the fat fighters army, attending my first Slimming World group in 5 or so years. Here's my mug shot showing off my pack.
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I wasn't nervous until I was outside the building and then I saw people going in, then it suddenly dawned on me, what if it's a huge group!? And then I thought so what if it is? And then I thought what if everyone there has been going for ages and I'm an outcast? And then, maybe someone else is joining today.
I eventually walked in. Gradually, the talking and laughter grew louder as I got closer, *deep breath* I walked in.

I was greeted by lots of smiling faces and hellos and a helpful lady told me where to sit and wait for the consultant to have a chat with me. I spotted the consultant right away, she was the most bubbly person in the room rushing around seeing how everyone was. She came over and gave me a form to fill out, she seems really nice and friendly. Another lady came and sat with me, but was re-joining for the 4th time, so she was pretty seasoned at meetings. I went to pay, get my pack and card and then entered the weighing queue. *Embarrassment* I couldn't find my card that had just been given to me, I was so nervous I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing, apart from holding people up from getting weighed, so I moved out the way for them and frantically looked for it, wearing my socks as I'd taken my shoes off to weigh. I gave the lady behind the scales a panicked look and she just looked at me as if to say "Lord, what do we have here?", I eventually found it. It had stuck itself to the side of my phone so when I checked my pockets I couldn't feel it, just my phone, and then I got weighed. *deep breath*

The scales at group, make me 3lbs heavier than my home ones. Bearing in mind, that is post breakfast and I was wearing jeans. When I weighed before leaving the house I'd lost 1lb this week! So I'm changing my stats on MFP (myfitnesspal) to reflect group ones and progress. Because there WILL be progress. I also bought two boxes of Rocky Road HiFi bars, as recommended by someone on minimins. I've had one already, very nice!

As it was a morning group I went and did a food shop after. I'd already prepared a list, broken down into Food Optimizing groups (Superfree foods, Free foods, Healthy Extras and Syns) so I knew I wasn't buying more junk than the good stuff.


Going to spend a bit of my evening planning meals, especially for shifts. I have a long day tomorrow so I probably need to go and make a salad. I already have some stuff in so this obviously isn't all that I have at my disposal.

Hopefully, I'll get the hang of the plan and do well! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

x Kayla x
My first day has gone well I think. I'm very very tired, but luckily have a day off tomorrow to do some meal planning and prep. I have not hit my usual tired snacking yet either, because I'm honestly so full up, I'm scared if I eat anymore I'll burst.
I love that you can put the slimming world website on your phone homepage so it's instant access for quick syn look ups. I used that straight away this morning when a spontaneous trip to Costa occurred as I was early for work. I looked up the least syn coffee, and grabbed a Primo Skinny Cappuccino for a healthy 4syns.

Here's my food diary:
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If you don't believe me that I was good, here's some photographic evidence:
Breakfast I had a HiFi Bar Rocky Road (1/2 HEB), with a cup of tea using Sweetened Soy Milk (part of HEA). Then for Snack on break I had two clementines, a banana and a HiFi Bar Rocky Road (1/2 HEB). For lunch I had a mix salad, with three Ryvita Multigrain (HEB) and 3 Laughing Cow Light (HEA). I know I put in the diary dairylea but laughing cow light wasn't on there and you can have 4 so it works out the same. I only had three as I only had three Ryvita and you don't have to have all your Healthy Extras.
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I had a massive dinner when I got home, hence why I'm so stuffed and tired. I had a banana whilst cooking then dinner consisted of Quorn Sausages, Scrambled egg, mushrooms fried in frylight, a small jacket potato and a snap pot of baked beans. I thought my eyes were going to be bigger than my belly, but alas, it all fit.
I also wore my pedometer today, from leaving my house to getting back, out of curiosity for how many steps I do. I clocked 12,878 which I didn't think was too bad.
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I really enjoyed my first slimming world day. I've not been hungry. I've enjoyed the foods I've been eating and felt very satisfied in the fact that I was making healthy choices.

I was a little perturbed by people in the staff room keeping on about how good it was I was eating fruit and 'on a diet'. How they should eat more fruit. Firstly I'm not on a diet, I'm making healthy balanced choices, secondly I LIKE FRUIT, fat people are allowed to eat fruit for enjoyment. The only reason I'm suddenly eating fruit is because the three weeks I've been there I've had no money to buy fruit, but when I have money I always buy and eat fruit. Thirdly, yes they should.

Totals:HEA x 2
HEB x 2
Syns 4
Water 2L
Have an awesome weekend!! :)
x Kayla x
I have loved reading ur diary :) This is going to be fun :) xxx
I have loved reading ur diary :) This is going to be fun :) xxx

Haha thanks hun. And thank you for the rocky road recommendation! I think they've really helped with not having evening binges and I have two throughout the day, so it covers cravings.
Day 2: Salad, Sun...and bugs

I had today off yay! So I took the opportunity to get some sun and top up my Vitamin D levels. At the same time, blogging and going through my Slimming World pack. It's not a great picture, I put the umbrella over the laptop to stop it getting too hot, a method that has worked well so far. I'm not a fan of sunbathing, me and heat don't get on, as previously mentioned in a post, but sometimes you just need a little boost and relaxation time.
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I woke up pretty early thankfully, so I got to enjoy my day off and get things done. Although I would have liked to stay in bed, it would of been a waste and then I wouldn't sleep tonight and my long shift tomorrow would be a nightmare!As I had quite a heavy dinner last night, I opted for a lighter breakfast; A nice cuppa, banana, muller light smooth toffee yoghurt and a HiFi bar. For lunch I had leftover salad I forgot I had, and a left over jacket potato. It was quite bland as I didn't have anything with it like syned sauces, so I followed it with a bowl of strawberries and bananas. It was an excellent decision!

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I'm still not entirely convinced I'm going to lose eating as much as I am. I'm eating more than I did before, and OK I am eating more fruit because joining coincided with payday but I always have salads and vegetables. I'm not giving up, I'm going to carry on and see how it goes. I've headed inside the house as I keep getting buzzed at by various things with wings and a magpie nearly flew into the door, so it's clearly not safe to be outside.I'm an idiot. I put sun cream on my face, arms and chest area, and the whole time I was sitting outside the sun was behind me. My back is now a little tender and a lesson has been learned... always face the sun. I joke, cream all over people! On a positive not in between cooking myself, cooking food, eating and being on my laptop I managed to get 4 loads of washing, washed, out, dried, and in before the dark clouds loomed over! Hoorah! That's well worth my back being on fire.

The glorious time arrived, when dinner is cooked, at which point I cooked about 4 meals at once as I'm on a long shift tomorrow. I made a huge salad batch and split it into two portions. I also split 90g of Ham (1 HEB on green) between the two salads. These will be tomorrows lunch and dinner.

At the same time I cooked tonight's dinner, of quorn sausages, scrambled egg, 2 slices of warburtons wholemeal 400g loaf (HEB) and frylighted mushrooms and cooked baby potatoes. I made a big portion of the mushroom/potato mix and split that as well so I have a portion to add to my ham salad tomorrow night for dinner. Method in my madness.

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I know I'm going to have a kitkat 2 fingers (5.5syns) and a packet of Kellogg's cracker crisps (4syns) later tonight so I'm just putting that out there now. It puts me over my syns for today, but I was under yesterday, so over the two days I've still have 30 syns.
HEA x 1
HEB x 2
Syns 16.5
Have an awesome week!
x Kayla x
Quick update: migraine, carb rage, not 100% to plan. Will give more detail when I can see properly.
Slimming World Day 4: Migraines and Munchies

I'm hoping you noticed I didn't post yesterday, this is because I was buried under my covers with an ice pack on my head, trying not to let the salad I had for lunch make a reappearance. I had to swap the long shift for the normal one as my head was pounding by 3 O'Clock and I could feel it coming on. I left at half 3 and by the time I got to the station home end, I could barely walk. This is a time I'm thankful I moved back home with my parents, because my daddy came to my rescue and picked me up. He knows what it's like as he gets them as well. Mum opened the door and went full swing into "my child is sick" motherly duties, never mind I'm 26. She got me an ice pack and I confessed I burnt my back on Sunday to which she tutted and grabbed the after-sun cream, and ice pack, alternating between head and back.

I slept on and off for about 3 hours and woke up still with a headache but in need of a massive amount of carbs. I had a bread roll with ham and salad, thinking it's still within plan except its a white roll, and I just smothered it in butter, but still... Then I hit the quavers and it all went downhill. I had another bread roll, two slices of buttery toast, a KitKat and some paprika crisps throughout the evening, but I did feel A LOT better.

I decided when I woke up that I was just going to start again, I wasn't going to restrict my syns to try and make up for it, or it would of made it worst. I got my 4 syn costa cappuccino, with a HiFi rocky road for breakfast. Then on break I had 2 clementines and a banana, by lunch I was feeling the grumbly tummy and had a Ham salad I made Sunday. It only had 45g of Ham in as I split the daily 90g Healthy Extra B between two salads, as it was suppose to be last nights dinner.

On my way home I grabbed a Chicken and Mushroom pasta n sauce packet. I'm getting a bit sick of salads. I had the rest of the 3 ryvita I had syned out anyway and laughing cow light, and a wonderful cup of tea.
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It looks nicer than it tasted.
I'm sure I loved these when I last did slimming world. But then I was nearly 19st and would eat most things. I know I preferred the Broccoli and cheese so I may get some of them in.

I quickly made up a batch of pasta and some Quorn sausages to mix for lunch tomorrow. Long shift. It will definitely be a long shift. I have no idea what I'll end up having for dinner, it may be beans on toast.
I've packed a pot of strawberries and the usual banana, clementines and HiFi bar in my lunch bag, trying to add the superfree onto my lunch as it's mainly free food.

I'll try to post tomorrow but I'm a long shift followed by an early, after two earlys and I'll be up early Friday for Slimming World week one weigh in! Already nervous! If I don't post tomorrow it will be Thursday evening.

HEA: 2
HEB: 2
Syns: 18.5
Water: 2L
Have a good rest of week!
x Kayla x
Doing really well so far, keep it up :)
Thanks Denise! Off to first weigh in now! Not been 100%. updating fully afterwards be happy with a maintain :)
Losses and Gains

Went to the doctors last night for my last injection and I used their weight/height/BP machine before going in. When I went in I asked about what my weight was doing and I'd lost 2.2lbs since 2011! I was devastated. So I'd lost 3st (42lbs) in 2010 and have plateaued for the last 3 years since starting the injection. I was not happy, but it occurred to me although all my effort to lose was a waste it is probably what has kept me maintained. Otherwise I may have put the 3stone back on and some because of the injection. In September it wears off and I aim to lose ALOT for Christmas. Till then I'll keep trying and just plod along.

I wasn't 100% this week. With migraines, exhaustion, being bunged up (too many ryvita!) and star week all at once. I also hadn't eaten a lot of superfree food and a lot of syns.

I woke up early, had a shower, and packed my bag for the weekend. I arranged to meet my mum afterwards to go clothes shopping with my birthday money, for my holiday. I have no clothes, I'm walking around in autumn wear, and I'm dying from the heat.
When I went in to group, I took my usual deep breath and entered. It was quieter today than last week. I paid and weighed; shocked to find I'd lost 1lb!

I would of been happy with a maintain with everything that's been going on this week. It's not the usual big first week loss but I know I can do it and I aiming for a big loss next Friday.
Group went over a bit and people kept talking when the consultant was which I think is a bit rude and very annoying.

My mum took ages to meet me so I filled my basket and tried everything on and everything fit! I got most things in a 20 and some 18s but they're a comfortable, baggy size 20s so really pleased with that. Seeing as i have been trying to lose weight for several moths not just since i started Slimming World,

I bought 3/4 length jeans, denim shorts, a thin jumper, cardigan, some shoes, a couple of tops and some thin baggy legging type trousers, that can be pulled up to 3/4 length.

Currently on my way to warwickshire to spend the weekend with my boyfriend. It's the first time in 3 weeks I've had more than 1 day off in a row and I managed to get 3! So I'm taking full advantage!

Have an awesome weekend everyone!

x Kayla x
Hi just wanted to say hello & subscribe to your diary. :wavey:
I've just been reading it & think with the shifts you do it must be hard to stay on plan but I'm sure you'll do it. I use to have Depo & it certainly make those pounds sneak on.
Hope you're having a fab weekend :D
Week 2 day 3: 30th June

(Written throughout the day)

Friday I was really good. I went to group lost 1lb, went shopping, then headed to Warwickshire to spend the weekend with my boyfriend. We went to Weatherspoons for dinner and had the chicken and pepper skewers with rice and salad. Was really tasty and I was so hungry I forgot to take a picture. Sorry. I hadn't eaten all day so I'd probably class it as an EE day.

We went to the shop and usually buy snacks for the weekend, he's as bad as me but is stick thin. This time however, we were good and bought bananas, strawberries and low syn French fries crisps.

That was at 16:30. By 21:00 we were both hungry, tired, and both battled with our conscience and failed. We ordered pizza from Pizza Hut and I didn't look at the syns till after we ordered. I had a medium pan farmhouse and a side of chicken strips. I didn't eat it all though.

Not only do I regret it because it wasn't food optimising, but also because I didn't enjoy it. It was thick with cheese and greasy as hell. It was pizza it's always been like that but I think because I've been eating well for the last 3/4 weeks consistently, greasy food is a total turn off.

Saturday me and the boyfriend had an argument and then went drinking which I don't do often, so that was a write off.

Yesterday I had roast potatoes, marrowfats peas, sprouts and roasted carrots and parsnips, couple of syns for oil used, again an EE day. Plus I had quavers (4.5 syns) and French fries crisps (4syns) I conked out about half 9 completely exhausted. So much for a weekend of rest and relaxation!

Today I received an email from my consultant who'd gone through my diary and said I can't have 2 HEA and 2 HEB but I thought you could on Green Days!? I did clearly put green days on my food diary, so I'm confused. Today I had a long shift but at two different places so I didn't get a break because my commute from one to the other I'm assuming they classed as break. So I've had a HiFi bar a bit of rock fish and a handful of chippy chips my parents bought me. Now I have 15 minutes before I have to sleep to get up for another long shift.

Tomorrow is a new day!! 100% from now on! I have holiday clothes I need to still fit into when I go on holiday.

Have an awesome week! Back to daily writing tomorrow, so you're no bombarded with a long post!

x Kayla x
Hi just wanted to say hello & subscribe to your diary. :wavey: I've just been reading it & think with the shifts you do it must be hard to stay on plan but I'm sure you'll do it. I use to have Depo & it certainly make those pounds sneak on. Hope you're having a fab weekend :D

Welcome!! :wavey:
I'm exhausted and I haven't quite worked out what to eat or when depending on the shifts I do to keep me energised and not gorge at night. I'll get there!! Had a hitch but promising myself to be 100% from now on!
I can't wait till depo wears off in sept! 2lb lost since 2011 yet 3st loss in 2010?? I could of cried. And I was hand on heart trying, I tried the gym and healthy eating. It's the only one proven to stop you losing and to actually put lbs on. Wish I'd known. :) stop by any time! And give me kicks when I need them :p

x Kayla x
Yes you need to eat food that will fill you up & keep you going. Lots of healthy snacks too to fill the gaps during the day. Make sure you eat enough or eating the wrong things when you're tired is just going to happen. I'm sure you'll figure it out. You lost 3st before & you can lose another 3 now :D
We're all here to help each other x
Week 2: Day 4. London shifts and Mug Shots

Today, I think I did very well. I found it hard to bring myself down and sleep last night after a long shift yesterday. I woke up so tired I nearly cried. I couldn't even face my HiFi rocky road breakfast. My throat felt like it had closed overnight. Fantastic timing for a cold, or flue, or hayfever. Whatever it is, it can jog on.

I packed ryvita, and a mug shot on the go pot (chicken and sweetcorn) and my two HiFi rocky road for my HEB.

I really lost the will to function on the train. There were two women talking and one of them constantly went "mmm" "mmm" in reply to every word her friend says , who elongates the "S" on words so it's prominent and irritating. Anyway, that's me early in the morning after a poop nights sleep heading to a long day ahead. Who has the energy to talk in the morning?And another one is the aggressive paper reader, who's every turn of a page is like they're punching someone. Just sit still and don't talk.

I grabbed a costa skinny cappuccino (4syns) on the way to stem my tired irritations, and the rest of the day went fine. I had my HiFi x 2, Healthy Extra B on my break and then the mug shot at lunch along with a packet of proper popcorn I bought from the shop. I like to get out of work on my lunch break, I think it helps with the much needed down time.

I survived the shift without a migraine or headache. But my throat is now worst, I have a bunged up nose and slightly itchy eyes, I'm going with hayfever, although I never get it.

My mums a diamond and cooked me chips with Linda McCartney Italian vegetable sausages, and baked beans. Which I devoured in about 3 minutes after my shower.

I'm still hungry at the moment but I'm going to sleep. I'm thinking about what to take tomorrow and I may make a pasta n sauce to cool, with ryvita syned houmous and slices of cucumber.
I will start taking more pictures of my meals but it honestly doesn't stay on the plate long enough.

Hope everyone's having an awesome week!

x Kayla x


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Sorry you're not feeling well, I hope you get over it quickly & it doesn't develop into a full blown cold. I think if you are that hungry when you get home you need to have more while you're at work. Maybe some syn free snacks, fruit, lean meat or hard boiled eggs are very filling & free. I definitely couldn't survive on just a mug shot :)
I know what you mean about people chattering away in the morning, I am sooo not a morning person lol.
Hope today was a better day x
Week 2: Day 5: As rough as a bears bottom

I fell asleep watching the Belgium game last night and it seems to be consistent that I miss all goals, regardless of how much of the game I watch.
I was on a late shift today (12:00 - 20:00) so I woke up earlier and prepared lunch whilst munching on a HiFi rocky road and sipping a blinding cup of tea. I felt as rough as a bears bottom and took some painkillers, avoiding throat sweets and sugary medicinal hot drinks as they would build up on my syns.
I cooked a pasta n sauce, using milk from my Healthy Extra A. I also measured out 3 tablespoons of houmous and sliced up some cucumber. I boxed 3 Ryvitas to have as my other Healthy Extra B, and a HiFi Bar. I also filled my litre bottle of water.

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On my way to the station I stopped by my local cafe for a coffee using semi skimmed as a second Healthy Extra A. I then thought I'd order a salad for dinner that evening, I could keep it in the fridge at work and have it when I got home. It turned into a Chicken Salad, so I decided to syn the Ryvita and have the chicken as my other Healthy Extra B.

Completely bunged up, unable to breath, with a burning throat and a head that felt stuffed with cotton wool, I got into work. Luckily 14:00 - 15.30 was a meeting so I sat in on that and then took lunch at 15:30. I took some more painkillers after I had lunch, which was just what I needed and although seems a lot, I really needed to have a big lunch.

I started clock watching around 18:00 feeling more and more unwell as the day went on. Finally I finished and made my way slowly home. I thought I was going to pass out on the train, feeling completely bunged up and headachey. I finally reached home, and found two corn on the cob in the kitchen up for grabs so I had them with my salad. I ended up having my second HiFi for afters. I really enjoyed my dinner, although I don't think I'm a fan of parsley...

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Breakfast: HiFi Rocky Road = 1/2 Healthy Extra B. Tea with skimmed milk from Healthy Extra A.

Lunch: cheese and broccoli pasta and sauce (Milk HEA), 3 ryvita with houmous and cucumber.

Dinner: Chicken Salad and corn on the cob.

Coffee (Milk from 2nd HEA)

Total Syns: 9.5

Water: 2.5L

I'm not holding much hope for this weeks weigh in but next week I'm expecting a big one! Time for some more painkillers and some relaxation with rubbish TV. Day off tomorrow hopefully be up for a food shop!

Have a great evening!
x Kayla x
