Pig to Princess Diaries

Sorry you're not feeling well, I hope you get over it quickly & it doesn't develop into a full blown cold. I think if you are that hungry when you get home you need to have more while you're at work. Maybe some syn free snacks, fruit, lean meat or hard boiled eggs are very filling & free. I definitely couldn't survive on just a mug shot :)
I know what you mean about people chattering away in the morning, I am sooo not a morning person lol.
Hope today was a better day x

Haha glad it's not just me that's not a morning person! It's a full blown cold :( But I have next couple of days off as I'm working the weekend so hopefully be able to get rid of it as quick as possible. I've tried eating bigger lunches, bigger breakfasts, bigger both, nothing seems to stop those tired binges. The last couple of days I've been so tired I've fallen asleep after dinner so It's not been bad, plus I have nothing in the house! So that's helped. Hard boiled eggs is a great idea! I never thought of that xx
Week 2: Day 6.. Coughs and Sneezes spread diseases

I've been spreading it all day!

Not really, I catch it, bin it, kill it. I woke up quite early considering it's my day off and I don't have major responsibilities. I let the poochy out as my mum was still in bed and started cooking my breakfast. I wanted something that would fill me up, to plan and tasty.
Days off I tend to eat more as I have time on my hands to not only eat , but to prepare as well. I decided on making a fancy ryvita multigrain, quorn sausage and egg, thing as there's not an awful lot in the house.

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It turned out pretty well, and because I made the eggs runny the ryvita were not dry, without any sauce or spread the yolk did it all.
I measured out skimmed milk for the day and had some in a cup of tea.
I'm full of cold but surviving without synning medication. I went to my local cafe again and got a latte with semi skimmed milk as my second HEA.

I spent an hour sitting outside my favorite cafe, sniffling and coughing with my stinking cold, fully creamed I might add, catching some sun and sipping on a cold can of diet coke. It was my way of having a break from cleaning and washing clothes which I'd spent most of the morning doing.
I wore thin baggy cropped trousers, flat shoes, a green vest and a crochet short sleeved cardigan in a light sandy brown. I felt summery and confident for the first time... ever. I wasn't roasting hot, I was cooler than I'd been all month when I was wearing jeans a jacket. I've put pictures below, I'm limited to how many I can upload.

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I may even put it on again and take a selfie tomorrow, depends how confident I feel tomorrow! All clothes Peacocks, shoes are ShoeZone.
I tried to go for a light dinner as I have to weigh in tomorrow morning and I didn't want something to sit heavy. But I was hungry. I'd only had the above all day so I needed something substantial. I had a McCains ready to go jacket potato (couple of syns for oil), with two tablespoons of houmous (5 syns) mixed veg, corn on the cob and 2 quorn sausages. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Houmous is such a great alternative to butter, its creamy and prevents the jacket potato being dry. It was really tasty and filling.

Screenshot (28).pngFingers crossed for weigh day tomorrow. I went over my diary and I've been pretty good since Tuesday (inclusive). So I'm hoping that the weekend hasn't ruined it too much. I'm going food shopping tomorrow after weigh in, and planning for the next couple of weeks. Then when I do go back to Warwickshire to see the Mr, I will still be going 100%! I'm determined! Come on we can do this!! Have an awesome weekend!

x Kayla x
Aw honi im so sori ur having such a rough time atm. Hope everything gets better soon.
Hope WI is ok. i nearly didnt go this wk as i thought i had gained so much. Turns out i had lost a pound. That has really motivated me.
I promised myself 12 weigh ins no matter wot.
My saviour atm is stir fried veg with lots of herbs and soy, balsamic etc I snack on it often and use blue dragoon sauces to flavour sometimes too.
Im going to do some Superfree soup this wkend :)
keep us informed and gd luck x x
Good luck for today. Really pleased you had a good time and felt confident when you were out. It's great when you wear something and feel happy. I'm sure you'll have many more times like that in the weeks to come :)
Hope your colds starting to get better x
Big day for me! I lost 3lbs, entered a new stone bracket AND I got slimmer of the week! When I did it years ago I never got slimmer of the week! Very happy!
Aw honi im so sori ur having such a rough time atm. Hope everything gets better soon. Hope WI is ok. i nearly didnt go this wk as i thought i had gained so much. Turns out i had lost a pound. That has really motivated me. I promised myself 12 weigh ins no matter wot. My saviour atm is stir fried veg with lots of herbs and soy, balsamic etc I snack on it often and use blue dragoon sauces to flavour sometimes too. Im going to do some Superfree soup this wkend :) keep us informed and gd luck x x

Well done on your loss! I looked in the Friday weigh in thread and a lot of people were toying with not going! I think it's been one of them weeks for all.
I love stir fries! Ive got loads if dried noodles in the cupboard, I just always forget to get the veg! They're really filling I don't know why I don't have more I've just bought quorn chicken pieces I could add to it as well!
Sounds gd, i like quorn pieces and fillets. I try to keep fresh veg in all the time. One of my fave things to do is to grate cauli and use it instead of rice in a chicken fried rice, its yummy x x
Big day for me! I lost 3lbs, entered a new stone bracket AND I got slimmer of the week! When I did it years ago I never got slimmer of the week! Very happy!

That's fantastic! Well done :D x
Week 3: Day 1: Coughs, Colds and Quorn Sausages

I didn't do a blog post yesterday as I would have liked to, I'm just so full of cough and cold all I've wanted to do is zombie out watching the tennis and football. I went to weigh in yesterday morning, not expecting a big loss. I hadn't planned on staying but she kept my book as I'd lost 3lbs reached a new stone bracket yay! I was very happy with that. I said I'd stay but if I coughed too much I'd leave as I didn't want to be a distraction or pass it around.

It was a small group as not many had stayed. At the end the slimmer of the week is announced and guess who got it? ME! I was shocked, as people had lost more than me, but I'd forgotten they'd had a gain last week. I felt a little bit emotional, as all those years ago when I did it I never got slimmer of the week, I don't remember getting any awards. So I really felt like I'd achieved something. I've only lost 4lbs, but it's a good 2lb a week, and it really feels good to get an award so soon into the journey. It just to show that even though they are small losses, I'm still achieving what I wanted to which was to lose weight. Here's a shameless selfie of me and my certificate from yesterday. Excuse no make-up I was so bunged up I couldn't be bothered.

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Anyway, I was suppose to be on a long shift today but I got to the station and nearly passed out. I'd been up half the night coughing, and my head, nose and sinuses are completely bunged. I missed the train by 30 seconds and had enough, I knew I shouldn't be around people with all this going on it's not fair on them, or me. So I rang in sick, I'm supernumerary so it doesn't have an effect on them, but as I have a certain amount of hours I need to do before my summer holiday I will have to try and fit them in again somewhere.

I set up on the sofa with the fan and a toilet roll (for my nose!) and tried to get some sleep, but my coughing wouldn't let me so I watched Wall-E and several other films I watch when I'm sick. I did eventually sleep on and off feeling more drained than I did before. I've been synning my Beechams hot drinks at 1syn each as I don't think they're that much more, but with no nutritional values on medication it's hard to tell. I had a basic brunch of Quorn sausages and frylighted eggs, with a banana and clementines.
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I had none of that for dinner, and settled for two small jacket potatoes, a salad and a couple of celery sticks all doused in a measured amount of Philadelphia Light Garlic and Herb and my healthy extra A.
By this evening I needed to get out the house and I wanted junk, so I went to the shop for a frozen pizza and garlic bread. Only, when I got there I didn't know what I wanted. I didn't fancy crisps like usual, I didn't want to have to cook a pizza I'd only regret. I ended up buying a box of tissues, a box of lemsip, a lettuce and a tin of tuna in brine.

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Thanks to someone on a picture sharing site, knowing what they're doing (Credit: hannah_sw_journey), I was told that Qourn sausages that I've been eating are actually 1 syn each! I'm devastated. Years ago they were free on green days. I'll just have to find a syn free alternative. If I ever find Linda McCartney Rosemary ones I'll have those instead.
I was pretty pleased with myself today for not buying junk even though I craved it right up until I entered the shop. I must be ill.

Have a fabulous weekend everyone

x Kayla x



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Week 3: Day 2: Prepping and Planning

Yet again I fell asleep before any goals were scored in the Holland v Costa Rica game. I fell asleep near the end of the second half of extra time! Only to wake up to a ping on my phone from Sky Sports telling me Holland won on penalties. I did wake up feeling a bit better today. I decided I wouldn't do too much again, as I have a long week ahead. I nipped to the shop and bought some bacon and mushrooms to make a big breakfast, but felt sick when I got back and was making it. So I sat down under the fan for a bit and sipped cold water.

Screenshot (10).pngBrunch: 90g raw weight bacon cooked (Heb), 2 quorn sausages (2syns) 2 eggs (free) and garlic, onion and mushroom mix (superfree). All cooked in frylight.
For a mid afternoon snack I had a salted caramel HiFi Bar (Heb)
I spent the afternoon trying to meal plan for the week, it's a bit difficult not to be repetitive when you're on a budget and work shifts. But I think it turned out ok and I kept the syns relatively low.
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I made the pasta for tomorrows lunch at the same time as making dinner. Once it's cooled I'll add the tuna. I'm going to try to mix Philadelphia Light garlic and Herb with it as a sauce to try and make it less bland. I have no idea how it'll turn out but I'll let you know!

For dinner I didn't want to do too much cooking and as I had already prepared some jacket potatoes the other day I just warmed one up and added beans and philly light to it. I couldn't be bothered to do a big salad so I just did cucumber and tomatoes with celery sticks using some of the Philly. You can have 70g of Philadelphia light as a Hea which is quite a lot! Again it was really filling and enough for me tonight.
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I've been synning my beechams as usual and only had a Toffee Crisp biscuit throughout the day, so my syns for today have totaled 10 syns for the day. Another successful day on plan! I've been tweeting with a restaurant that my boyfriends taking me to in a couple of weeks to find out what I can have, they've given me some suggestions and have been amazingly helpful!

HEA: 70g Philadelphia Light Garlic and Herb, 2 mini Babybel
HEB: 90g Raw weight, cooked bacon, 1 salted caramel HiFi bar
Syns: 3 Beechams (3) toffee Crisp Biscuit (5) 2 Quorn sausages (2) Total: 10

Have an awesome week everyone!
x Kayla x
Your food looks yummy....your doing so well :)
Week 3: Day 4

I've found the syn free quorn sausages in Iceland! yay! I also found Qourn Tu'key burgers in there, and checking on the Slimming World mobile site, I found out they were syn free too! So i grabbed a box of each, some kingsmill wholemeal rolls, bag of stir fry veg and some more philly. That was me out of money till next Friday. Luckily It's already gone a long way. It was a rubbish day all round, I'm still not 100% and had nightmares last night so I woke up completely drained and totally depressed. I went out after doing two loads of washing; finding that I'd accidentally left a pen in my uniform and now have ink marks on my sheets and a vest. I got a coffee and strolled to the station to get the train to town to grab a couple of bits to tide my over till next week, thank god for monthly travel cards!

When I got home I felt a bit shakey as I hadn't eaten all day and it was now 4 oclock. So I decided to do two Tu'key burgers with salad, syn free slimming world chips and eggs. It was really filling, delicious and syn free!

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It was late when I got round to eating it so I decided I wouldn't bother having dinner. So I spent the evening cooking tomorrows lunch, of a fake chicken chow mein.

I frylighted Quorn chicken pieces and added Blue Dragon Chow mein sauce. I added a bag of stir fry veg and cooked up some dried noodles. It made more than I thought it was so divided it into 4. It works out 1.5syns a serving for the sauce. In the end I did have a small bowl because I started to get peckish. It was really nice!

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I'm looking forward to round two of that tomorrow for lunch. It's possible I may be having it for dinner tomorrow night as well, I didn't realize how much the packet of noodle made till they were over flowing out the pan! Hope everyone is having an awesome week. I'm working long shifts tomorrow and friday, so I may not get a chance to post, but I will try!
Finishing the night with an Options Mint Madness and the slimming world magazine!
x Kayla x
HEBs: 2 Wholemeal rolls
HEA: 300mL Semi Skimmed Milk
Syns: 3
That chow mein looks delicious. Well done for the fab food but maybe try not to let yourself get hungry to the point of being dizzy, it can't be good for you x
Hope the shifts aren't too bad :)
Oh my god Kayla! Your food pics are too much! They all look amazing! How are u doing today :) xx
That chow mein looks delicious. Well done for the fab food but maybe try not to let yourself get hungry to the point of being dizzy, it can't be good for you x Hope the shifts aren't too bad :)

I know I'm an idiot lol that's an old bad habit when I used to not eat all day till dinner, but because I've been eating more and more healthily I can't last that long anymore. There's always time for food!!
Oh my god Kayla! Your food pics are too much! They all look amazing! How are u doing today :) xx

Hey sorry for late reply I've been doing long shifts and dead on my feet. I couldn't make weigh in this week, but carrying on with plan so hoping for good loss next week. Hopefully at least 4lb so I keep up with my 2lb a week loss. How are you getting on?
Good stuff! Keep at it :) You've done amazingly so far :)
I'm good, just prepping for the week ahead, taking part in Kay's Salad Challenge, hoping to shift these last 10lbs in 30 days (maybe a tad unrealistic but it's a goal anyways!) :)

Good luck this week

X x x
Quickie Post...
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Total syns today: 2 kitkats and mint sauce - 12syns
It was a green day so I weighed the pork out but it was so nice I went back for seconds and thirds, and I think I should change it to a red day. But then didn't know what to do about the potatoes and baked beans, as the beans were over the weighed HeB amount! Maybe I should write it off and start again tomorrow lol
Make it an EE day? :)