Piggy no more

Today is going fine. I'm staying out of the kitchen. Weeing frequently LOL. Don't think I'm in ketosis yet but I will check next time I go. I ordered some more products from the site as I didn't have many and figured it might take longer to arrive so waiting for those. Mostly shakes as I'm not keen on Exante meals. My skin is terrible at the moment-guess being sick took its toll on my skin. Luckily I have a lot of skincare products from Korea so I have plenty to use. Just finding I'm not motivated at all at the moment. It's too easy to stay in bed all day. I have so many things to do and literally not doing any of them. Sigh
Morning Bluebell, so sorry to hear yo have been sick for so long and in hospital. Thankfully you are on the mend and at home. I wouldnt be overly concerned about losing weight until you ate 100% fit again, your body needs to build itself up again. Be careful and take care🙏
Morning Bluebell, so sorry to hear yo have been sick for so long and in hospital. Thankfully you are on the mend and at home. I wouldnt be overly concerned about losing weight until you ate 100% fit again, your body needs to build itself up again. Be careful and take care🙏
Honestly if I leave it any longer I will end up with another 3 stone to lose and unable to walk at all...
I'm finding the water surprisingly easy this time around...not sure why. Maybe because I'm at home all the time. I did sneakily weigh myself this morning and no change yet which is surprising...come on body...what are you doing? LOL. I shall be patient. Except I'm the most impatient person ever. I hate waiting for anything.
Hey, you're back! Sounds like you've had a torrid time of it and sorry that you are still feeling weak. Motivation comes and goes - I've only just regained mine after wasting all the weeks since Christmas - so hopefully yours will kick in soon. Keep drinking the water and I'm sure as soon as you see a change on the scales you'll keep it going.
Hey, you're back! Sounds like you've had a torrid time of it and sorry that you are still feeling weak. Motivation comes and goes - I've only just regained mine after wasting all the weeks since Christmas - so hopefully yours will kick in soon. Keep drinking the water and I'm sure as soon as you see a change on the scales you'll keep it going.
I'm drowning in water. And weeing so much LOL. I did see the scales move this morning so that's a good sign. I also think ketosis has kicked in as my hands are FREEZING!!Come on weight loss...off you go LOL
The kids are driving me mad today and I yelled very loudly at them earlier. Hiding out in my bedroom now. Think I'll be having an early night tonight.
I was going to do some knitting but my hands are way too cold...might go and have a bath actually to warm up a bit. Thank goodness I have a nice heated blanket in my bed...really helps at night.
It must be difficult with little ones being cooped up. We still have a son at home and he would normally be out at work all week and then out with his mates on Friday and Saturday nights, but for the last two weeks he's been working from home and then having to catch up with his mates online instead. He was restless with it all last night and a bit grumpy, but he's early 20s so a different kettle of fish to yours :D

Cold hands sounds like a good sign - fingers crossed the scales show some real progress in the next few days!
I'm finding the water surprisingly easy this time around...not sure why. Maybe because I'm at home all the time. I did sneakily weigh myself this morning and no change yet which is surprising...come on body...what are you doing? LOL. I shall be patient. Except I'm the most impatient person ever. I hate waiting for anything.

I too am completely impatient and will frequently weigh throughout the week :whistle: Looks like you're on track this week, you're doing well :)
I too am completely impatient and will frequently weigh throughout the week :whistle: Looks like you're on track this week, you're doing well :)
I'm a daily weigher LOL. Sometimes twice a day. If I stop weighing I cheat so I will carry on.
I think I weighed myself in the wrong spot at the beginning...I have discovered 2 flat spots on my floor but one weighs 3lbs heavier than the other and I used the lighter one to begin with. I need to pick a spot and be consistent with it but I can't keep the scales there permanently as they get in the way. The bathroom floor is uneven too. Maybe I should get a piece of wood and put it underneath?
I'm doing well with my water and products. I managed to drop my shaker earlier and spilt half as the shaker bottom cracked and a piece fell off GRRRR. I have another shaker luckily. My carpet now smells of chocolate even though I scrubbed it right away.May need to wash it again I think.
Dieting and stopping nail biting, now thats a challenge
Dieting and stopping nail biting, now thats a challenge
lol yep...it's working so far ...since yesterday LOL

I had to go out today to get my car MOT'd (it didn't qualify for the extension as it ran out 21st March and I was in hospital at the time...so stupid).It was so quiet...really weird. Felt like a Sunday 20 years ago. I was surprised to see almost nobody wearing any kind of mask though I did see quite a few people with gloves on.
Diet still going well. Must catch up on my water though as I've had less because I was out and there were no toilets there. Weigh in day tomorrow and I don't think I've lost much which is weird for week 1. Oh well.
LOL totally forgot to update my diary...lost 10.6lbs in Week 1 so I'm happy. Found it pretty easy tbh, no real temptations or anything. And it makes me feel better taking control over my weight as I can't control anything else. I've managed to not bite my nails too so that's good. I am trying to decide on a small reward for losing 10lbs but I can't make up my mind what I want. I don't want nail polish yet as my nails aren't long enough and I have lots anyway. I don't want clothes yet as I haven't lost enough. Can't get flowers at the moment...what shall I get? I need little non food treats to keep me going at the beginning.
Didn't know. you had a diary too!! Heyyyyyy haha :D
Hiiiiii :) Yep keeps me focused. if I ever don't post that's a bad sign LOL

Loving the New You products so far. I think I'm headed for a big loss this week too judging by the scales so far.
I'm managing the water fine and feeling really positive. Really busy as I'm getting things ready for kids for tomorrow so this is just a quick update. Will post more tomorrow.


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How about a recipe book? I mean the kind that you personalize, like Happy Planner. That's one of my non-food rewards. I'm going to put in all my low-carb variations of our favorite meals.