Piggy no more

I think 2lbs is amazing, well done
I was planning on deleting all my previous posts and starting over. But what would be the point of that? I would still know I had deleted all my posts even if nobody else noticed.
The reality is I’ve failed again. I keep failing. Starting and stopping and starting again. I lose some and gain it back and add a little more. Over and over and over again. I make excuses about the kids eating and stress when the reality is I just want food and I will make any excuse to eat. I’m caught in a cycle of lose some weight, get bored , eat, gain it all back. I can’t keep going this way. I just can’t. I ache all over. My knees hurt all the time. Walking upstairs is hard. Yes I have fibromyalgia but the extra weight is not helping at all. It’s March. I’ve wasted a year messing about with my weight. I could be close to goal now if I had just stuck to it. Instead here I am with a wardrobe of clothes that don’t fit and hating all the mirrors in the house.
I’m not going to call this day 1 again. There’s been far too many day 1’s for me. Instead I’m going to give myself a year. I’m going to start at day 365 and see just far I can get by the time I get to day 1.
It has to happen this time. No ifs and buts and excuses. As Nike would say “ just do it “
This is my last chance. I want to set myself free.


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You haven't filed, you just haven't succeed yet. We are all a work in progress the whole time. Your TIME now is Ready to try again😸
Best of luck on your journey, I could have written your post so many times. These days I’m trying to just keep doing what I know will get me in the right direction.
Well it's going really well so far. I'm enjoying the meals and sticking to my points too. My weigh in day will be Tuesday so I'm trying to not look until then. I was planning to use up the shakes and meals I have left but I genuinely can't face them anymore. Not sure what to do with them as it seems such a waste to throw them away.
Advertise and give them away to someone who is following the same plan.
I had good success with them in the past but since they changed from being a ketosis diet to just low calorie they just don't work for me as well.
Oh no way! I thought that was what I was signing up for. I will have to check the labels. Is ketosis achieved on no carb then or just very low?

Oh no way! I thought that was what I was signing up for. I will have to check the labels. Is ketosis achieved on no carb then or just very low?
It has to be very low to achieve ketosis but it does vary from person to person so you might find you're ok. I'm carb sensitive so it's just too high a level for me it seems.

I managed to lose 11lbs this week so I'm very happy about that:) It's been really easy to stick to and I've enjoyed the meals a lot.
What....11lbs, that's some achievement 😮
Thats great Bluebell