Strawberry Madness
Silver Member
Really glad things are looking up! Not the weight though that’s going wayyy down wooohoo 
Well done
Well done
Haha yeah pity it's all water weight though LOLReally glad things are looking up! Not the weight though that’s going wayyy down wooohoo
Well done
Thank you...that helps a lot.Really inspiring read!
you have got this I believe you can do this as well
You have done really well so far and are able to recognise some triggers that makes you want to binge.
you will get to where you want to go with your mindset totally going to happen! ☺
hey! Good luck on your journey! Previously I've lost 5 stone... Then put more back on! But not this time! Let's do it!Yep as the title says I'm going on holiday to South Korea in August this year!! I was actually planning to go next year but my daughters paid for my flights so this year it is!! I can't wait to go...except I'm huge. I lost weight before and gained it all back so this is the LAST TIME I am going to do this!! I feel very inspired and motivated right now. I'm hoping to lose at least 7 stone before I go.
Ideally I'd like to lose it all but I know that's impossible. Last time it was 7 stone in 6 months and I still have those photos for inspiration. I'm in ketosis (started last week) -I can tell because my hands are sooooo cold OMG. I'm annoyed that I let myself gain it all back tbh. I could have carried on...but a lot was going on in my life including a break up, illness(fibromyalgia diagnosis) a house move...but this is MY YEAR!!
I'll be meeting some friends when I go to Korea including someone who inspires me greatly (and I have a crush on him so.....) so I am determined to look as good as I can. Also I'm hoping losing weight will mean I don't need a walking stick as much when walking long distances or standing for a long time(I have to take Tramadol for that too).
I measured my height recently -I've always been I'm 168. I have lordosis(where my lower back curves too much which means my bum sticks out a lot too) and I guess it's got worse hence losing height. I'm hoping weight loss will help that too.
I'm on 2 packs so far today and a million black teas and coffees.
Thanks-it's much better than it was but it's been 2 weeks and it's still painful to walk so I hope it passes soon,Hope your ankle is feeling better soon!