Propa update from mee....
Xmas and new years???.....
This year was so much different from any other years...i usually shy away in my bed with teh comfort of xmas much and childish tv shows to see me threw the festive season.. this year i went to my best mates for xmas and had propa xmas dinner and even (half a mince pie ahhh the horror)... LOL..... i went to partys and felt comfident around new people.... i loved it it almost felt as if it wasnt me inside my body it was weird but soooo nice....
New year i went to a pub/club in menai bridge angelsey and saw the new year in there dancing//drinkin and having a madd time.. i loved it....was home by 1.30am but what a night the first time i went clubbing in years and actually felt good.. 3 guys even asked for my number which i politley declined but what a confidence boost it was =D.....i did eat a chicken burger that night but hey its the last night of the year i think after loosing 11 stone in that year i could have a treat....
thats my excuse.. but thefing is it wasnt even that nice anyway but ahhh welll....
ive beeen back at my toning center for about a month and lost another 12 inches since being there its slowing right down now but its still all good and it deffo does wonders for my confidence ill give it that and not only that i now have a bunch of second mothers all in there 70/80's that are more childish then i am lool.. they keeep telling me that i should take teh holes out of my face coz im pretty without em =/ haha.
Gym i got quite a few gym sessions in over xmas and new year back tomoz on monday again to get it all rolling =] ....ive really missed it , roxy has txted me to tell me her classes are back as well =D happy days hip hop here i comeeeee.
Weightloss in 2009?
Weightloss for 2009 i cant even deny is freakin amazing , all year i was pushing for the more more more and only now when i look back and see i lost 11 stone and 2lbs collective over the year.... well im impressed of course i cant lie and say im happy with that coz as we all know nothing is good enuff lol.. no number high enuff... but ... ill hush and just accept i did amazingly... lets hope 2010 i can seal the deal and get where i want to be (under ten stone)... the hardest part is now as its all slowing down... but im usual LOL..
Snakebites YAY.
I had the best xmas pressie ever .... MY SNAKEBITES (two lip piercings on bottom lip).... i love em they been in two weeks and one day and so far healing pretty dammm good.. no brusing left no redness inside... lumps all gone (apart from one from previous piercing that will never go)...just a bit tender and sore but thats normal for about a month and half..... so im happpppyyyyyy.. im turning into the person i want to be..... slowly yet surely.....i think ive had enuff piercings now.. tats will prob rule my creativity cravings now....
I want to thank you all for following my progress and for supporting me threwout the year.. in feb i came bk on minis approx 24 and half stone no confidence , disenhearted... set for failure yet again... you all dragged me threw and i start 2010 at 12 stone 6lbs...THANKYOU SO FREAKIN MUCH I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! <3<3....ahhh i wanna cry im so happy and emotional...
1:: get down to 10 stone or under.
2:: Stick to my Gym & Toning.
3:: Be with my guy and be happy finally.
4:: Work more on my confidence and try not to put myself down all the time but to reconise the journey ive come threw.
5:: Be the person i espire to be....
theres prob more i wanna do..... last years i cant remember what i choose but im betting for certain one of them was to loose weight... for the past few years im guessing that was what i wrote down.. im still writing it but its not quite the same depressive scribble anymore............
Heres to 2010...