hey guys, so update on the doctors yesterday. Basically my metabolism and hormones are too low to enable fat loss and consequently my periods (sorry, tmi) which means, my body is only burning whatever i am eating and not stored fat and until my hormones become regular enough to fire up my metabolism then it wont start burning my stored fat either. Seriously feeling, frustrated and disappointed in my body. He said as i was already eating low calories, low carb and gymming it would take a massive effort to lose weight eating food and i would have to reduce my portion size by 10% every week for 2 months and eat only 3 hours a day with a min 4 hour gap in between and if i still havent lost weight they will give me meds. However, i am so confused. I just emailed my old LL counsillor to see if anyone else has been through anything similar. Also I am thinking maybe if i have no metabolism, or hormones do i suck it up for 12 weeks finish what i started on LL and then build it back up from goal. As obviously the diet i am running now is suffice to maintain a weight....suggestions or advice would be great. Feeling like I am at a cross roads. As i am more committed to my weight loss goal than getting a hormone regulation, which feels kinda sad, but for someone who was 15st for years, I just want to get to that weight and have it off...so scared of putting the weight back on doing what the doctor has suggested xxx