Planning on starting tomorrow.

Well done for completing day one. Good luck for tomorrow x
Really cant stomach the chicken soup. Had one sip n nearly threw up. I warmed it up aswell like proper soup. :/ dont advise this one at all!! X

Aha! I hate the soup too I'm afraid. I usually have just chocolate shakes although this week the pharmacy ran out and so I've ended up with all vanilla which I will just get on with, and wish the week away ;)
Aha! I hate the soup too I'm afraid. I usually have just chocolate shakes although this week the pharmacy ran out and so I've ended up with all vanilla which I will just get on with, and wish the week away ;)

All vanilla - Bleughhhh. I wish pharmacies would keep their stock up, the diets hard enough as it is!
I have vanilla today so will see.. strawberry was managable but not nice. Chocolate it by far the best so far. I do find them surprisingly filling.

Thank you for the surport. I so glad ive done day one, was hard as i was craving food so bad but wasnt hungry!!

:D xx
I used to hate the vAnilla but now i add decaf coffee or normal if i need the caffeine, and a couple of tablet sweeteners to it and its lush, i always have mine hot, just boil the kettle and pour that into the blender and its like a hot coffee late style drink! Try it and let me know wat u think! I have hot it mDe up the se but with really cold wAter and thats yummy too
I do the same with vanilla but haven't the blender. I have the shaker I bought at the pharmacy. Have u that? So to 100ml cold water I add a spoon of decaf and the vanilla, shake it up and pounds into a mig. Then add another 300ml hot water. Its nice enough. Best wishes
Pour into a mug *, not pounds into a mug. Sorry, my fone is fit for the dump.
Hey just havin vanilla with coffee and sweetners warmed up. Isnt the best but is a nice change..

Day one nearly dont and 100 percent so far.

Hows everyone else doing xx
Good for u experimenting! Day 1 done. Keep up the water and u should avoid any headaches that might appear tomorrow r Fri. Very best of luck x
I do the same at work toteslipo. Never tried in microwave. I mix the vanilla with warmish not boiling Water in shaker, as less watee as possible, then dissolve the coffee in boiling water in mug with tablet sweetner, i find if i put the coffee in the shaker it doesnt blend as well. Then add the shaker mix into the boiling water, mix with fork or spoon n voila
Ur rite, sometimes it doesn't dissolve well, mind u its a very rare occasion I'd go vanilla... loved my first pop at chicken soup with curry powder today! It was like being at the Chinese with a big spoon...... but not really! Lol
Ketosis will kick in, in the next day or so. Hang in there it's worth it and will be soooo much better in a few days time. Well done, keep going x x x
Im on day 4 of my 3rd attempt at restRt, its hard, that's why it gives such amazing results! Promise once you get into the swing of it, it does get easier. Keep at it