please be the last time!!

How are you going chica? Hope the plan is ticking along nicely!

hi lovely lady, everything going ok, feel bloated but i know thats just the transition into normal food BUT i have been good as gold and eaten well, (as in wholemeal bread, pasta, veg, eggs etc)
i have put on 2 lb but that i think is completely unavoidable when going back to solids.

hoping that by the time i come back to the last stretch of cambridge i will be 10st 12lbs (on my scales) or less then i know i havent done any damage and even better that will be my 'full up' weight, so should have a nice loss into the mid 10's the first week, heres hoping anyway!

have been to the gym twice and lots of nice walks, seem to have had some lovely spring days this week.

your doing amazingly well hun, and glad you savour and enjoy the bars, just wish i liked them!
hope u have a fab friday and weekend
hey hun, i have a 40th birthday party this weekend and then next weekend a ball to go to, and wanted the option to enjoy myself and have a drink, just didnt see the point in getting out of ketosis and then the pain of going back in, to then come back out again.

so as of a week on monday im back for the final stretch and been careful until then so i dont do too much damage :)

well, it maybe a stupid thing for a chubber to say but i haaaate food!! i hate having to think about what im going to eat, i hate having a fridge full of food because i constantly feel like i need to have my head in it, i cant concentrate knowing ANYTHING is in there its like a voice in the back of my head i egging me on. dont get me wrong, part of this problem is that i work at home, so i constantly am tempted, if i am doing something it doesnt bother me!!

im sick of eating food and it just doing nothing for me, im sick of been full up, im sick of thinking 'what shall i have for breakfast, dinner, tea / what shall i eat because iv not eaten for the last 30minutes' i was going to try slimming world but the idea of the classes really dont appeal to me, plus the queue was hanging out of the door the other night when it was throwing it down. needless to say i didnt even make it out of the car!

so because iv not definately set a diet to myself its as if everythings up in the air and i dont know what to eat or what to follow, which is absolutely pathetic.

i dont really know why im feeling like this to be honest as i normally love food, anyway i think the top and bottom of it, of this whole ramble is that i am going to do ss again, i like not having to think about anything!! its so simple and easy and no messing about! even if its for another 3 weeks, that could take me well into the tens and then i can ease food back in slowly.

not sure if il still feel this way on sunday when i have a clear 3 week run at it before a weekend away for bf's bday, im tempted to even do it tomoro - friday and then just stick to low carb on saturday when i go out, its to a greek restaurant so i should be fine, god my relationship with food is shocking!

sorry if this is a bit babbly, i just needed to vent a little bit and get some idea of where i am
boooo feelin pants
hope anyone reading is having a good CD day
Evening hun i thout this was me 'venting' out as i understand what u mean totally. !!

but only u can decide when to restart CD.. id say asap but with the weekend etc it may be difficult, as it would be for me.

you know as soon as u jump back on cd u will zoom back into the 10's again... How much do u really want to loose this weight? and for good??

do u have enough supply left?

hope your ok hunnie x
Sympathise Blondie, I work from home too most of the time and that's always when I stray... see how you feel in a few days, but we are with you whatever you decide.

Hi, Ive never thought about it before because I always assumed doing cd compaired to other diets makes me think about food all the time but you've hit the nail on the head for me really as in reality the only time I think about what im eating and plan out the times Im gonna eat are when im eating actual food. I think your doing really well in being able to choose ww rather than falling off the diet wagon completely. Plus, thats real life which will throw temptation at u all the time and its about enjoying these when they come round (i.e parties etc) and not falling into the junk food trap indefinatley.

Sorry now Ive had a bit of a ramble lol! Keep up the good work :)
thanks girls, support means so much, and hi mishi nice to see u :) im glad quite a few people are the same as me, sometimes i feel like im absolutely nuts, see yesterday, i was going to do slimming world, and just because i knew i could eat *so and so food* in abundance it completely knocked me off my stride, i went into the kitchen 4 times, once to put the oven on for super noodles, didnt really want them, second time was to make some sw chips and 3rd was to get more fruit, fact was, i wasnt actually hungry, i just couldnt get food out of my head because i knew i could HAVE it. in the end i didnt know what to have because there was that much choice so i ended up having everything i could get my hands on, including 'un' free food.

was really quite pathetic, for days iv just felt so bloated, the ironic thing is that im quite light at the moment, im 11st 2lbs and when i came off cd i was 10st 13lbs, so even though im bloated i probably havent gained any weight so to speak.

i feel in limbo and that doesnt help me, i know deep down its ww or CD, but both such a different way to lose the weight, one quick, and mind torturing yet with such euphoria mixed in, it really does send my hormones into over drive, and the other is very enjoyable just far slower, and i get the euphoria from enjoying food.

either way today is a new day and its not going to involve too much food, im sick of it, im bloated and i have a over hang.

on the plus side, iv lost almost 28lbs since november, i have two beautiful little girls, who, when i look at them, completely make me forget about anything, fat, size 16's and mucky kebabs, and a man who loves me whatever i look like.

today is going to be a good day :) hope i didnt drag anyone down with my whinging its just easy to get it out on here xxx
on the plus side, iv lost almost 28lbs since november, i have two beautiful little girls, who, when i look at them, completely make me forget about anything, fat, size 16's and mucky kebabs, and a man who loves me whatever i look like.

A lot to be glad about/ proud of, hun. Start from there and keep going... whichever path you choose, you CAN get there.

hi, i'm on a break from cd. loads going on in my life and i wasnt using cd properly. its REALLY REALLY hard getting back to eating, but i just try and be healthy. i have cuppa and wholegrain toast with butter for brekkie, fruit for lunch and whatever my kids are having for tea (small portion) and the weight is creeping down. i'm not really planning to lose at the moment, just stabilise till i feel mentally ready to restart cd with a view to losing my last stone and getting to 10.7.

its hard, but just plan your meals and stcik to small portions. i honestly eat whatever i want but smaller portions. Also, snack can only be fruit, and I exercise for about 20-30 mins every other day. the exercise is mainly to help me feel better. Like you I am hoping that if i maintain for a bit then when i come back to cd i get a good first weeks loss. hope you are ok today!