Please send positive thoughts....

Dear Carol

I'll add her and her family to my prayers. Please don't beat yourself up - there was nothing you could have done to prevent what happened and she is very much aware that you are rooting for her now.
Mrs D,

Really sorry about your friend!!! sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers from me!!!

Lots of hugs

Nas x
Still no word from Sarah, I'm staying hopeful that they've been able to operate as I don't want to even think about what other alternatives there could be.

Carolanski, I'm so glad you replied and that your Mum completely recovered from her haemorrhage, there really is hope. XXX

Thank you to those who pm'ed me also. I'm going to let Sarah know that there are a bunch of people who don't even know her Mum but are all sending their best wishes. XXXXX
Well Sarah called into work on Wednesday to let everyone know how Angela is doing. I haven't spoken to her myself but she did speak to one of our managers.

Angela had an anyeurism (sp) and a stroke but is recovering slowly. She will have permanent double vision and is going to need lots of aftercare but the doctors are hopeful.

I'm so relieved for Sarah and her Dad! :D:D
Hi Mrs Depp, really glad to hear about your friends recovery, please send her and her family our best wishes. xxx Loobylou
sorry to hear about your friend Angela but pleased to see your latest news about her. My thoughts are with her and her family at this troubled time

Irene xx
So sorry to hear about your friend, but also so very glad that she's on the road to recovery.
Love and best wishes to you all
Ohh sorry only just seen this thread I have been on holiday. I am so sorry to hear about your friend I am glad she is on the mend hope you are ok too you must have been so worried.
Sorry to hear about your friend Carol, I hope she will make a speedy recovery. Wishing her well {{{{{hugs}}}}}
Thanks Sonia and Maggie. Luckily Angela's on the way to recovery, obviously it will take time and I doubt she'll be able to work again but the thought of her not being around is far worse.

Angela's a lovely friend and I'm so lucky to know her. She's one of those people who is liked by everyone but is still quiet, a little bit shy and doesn't have a bad word to say about anyone. :D
Thanks Sonia and Maggie. Luckily Angela's on the way to recovery, obviously it will take time and I doubt she'll be able to work again but the thought of her not being around is far worse.

Angela's a lovely friend and I'm so lucky to know her. She's one of those people who is liked by everyone but is still quiet, a little bit shy and doesn't have a bad word to say about anyone. :D

so glad to hear that she is on the mend. that is excellent news :)

becky xx
Thanks Son, Angela's doing okay. She was allowed to go home on Wednesday, Sarah phoned me to let me know and I spoke to Angela also. She's been told that her double vision could be permanent but they can operate in a few months to help with that a little.

She's having trouble remembering things, which is normal, asking Sarah to remind her of certain words etc. She's also finding it difficult standing and says she has fallen over a few times and laughed about that, which was lovely to hear. :)

They're going to do another brain scan and also that dye injection (can't remember the name of it now lol!) in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, Angela's having physiotherapy and they're having a few things altered in her house, grab rails etc, and she's taking each day as it comes, resting as much as possible.

Keep your fingers crossed for a speedy recovery and thanks for all the support and good wishes, Angela will be so suprised that so many people who don't even know her could care so much. :D:D

She sounds like a lovely person. I wish her all the best and hope for a good recovery. Positive thoughts going her way! :)
So glad she's on the mend - it will take time, tell her to take it easy and not to be hard on herself if she thinks she should be progressing quicker. My Mum was extremely lucky and had no physical problems but it still took her 9 months before she was back at work.

Please give her my best!

Carol x