Gold Member
Thank u so much for not giving up on I feel totally rubbish ur right though one thing I truelly like is my need for loads of junk food has gone and am quite happy with 2 sw bars I bought a writing pad yesterday I think what I will do is write some speed foods that I like and stick it on the side of my fridge I don't like bacon I think am the only person who doesn't we're do u think I am going wrong thank u also as I think I need to cut butter down I do measure it but I most probly have a large tea spoon lol it's so annoying x
Ah - we never give up on anyone here
You're starting to get the hang of it now - well done on buying a notebook and putting your fave speed foods. If u keep at it you'll get there - yes it's slow, annoying, frustrating etc but if we really want to lose weight and keep going we'll get there in the end.
Yes it maybe unusual not to like bacon but it's not that healthy with all the salt and you'll never crave a bacon butty like I do

I don't think you're going wrong - I think it takes us all a while to get round SW plus you have a little one to think of too - all the free food on SW means we can eat lots of it if we want (SW does say - only to eat when we're hungry - not like me - when I eat when I'm bored or just fancy something!
To help to get more familiar with SW and when you've got time I think it might help you to write a list with a few ideas for breakfast, lunch, tea, snacks and treats - then do the same with your Healthy Extras and things you have for treats using your syns - you could put them in your notebook or on the fridge too if there's room!
Choose things that you'd enjoy and include some quick and easy meals/snacks you can make or buy so you'll never be stuck for ideas and end up eating something that's not SW friendly!
That might help with your shopping as well and you'll always have ideas for each meal or snack.
And I think the most important thing of all is to plan your food each day in advance and write it down at least until you're losing weight regularly - I know it's a bind but I think it works - you can always change things around if you change your mind by lunch time!
SW provides printed forms for you to write your food down - did you get some when you started? You could ask at class for some more - then fill it in this week then hand it into your SW consultant and she'll look at it and give you advice.
Or if you'd prefer - post it on her and I'll look at it for you - others might comment with helpful ideas too,
It's really important to include everything - here's an example - it's based on your post today but I've put other things in just to help you:
B'fast: 1 slice of large thick loaf HEB,
cheese x grams HEA plus any syns if it was more than a HEA as in the book?
xx for a third speed
2 level teaspoons butter x syns
cup of tea/coffee no milk x amount of full cream/semi skimmed/skimmed milk
Fried egg,
x amount of oil x syns, or if you use Frylight that's free,
baked beans and xxxx for a third speed
Uncle Ben's Mexican rice with chicken
Uncle Bens Special Mexican Style Rice (250g pouch) 3 syns OR
Uncle Bens Special Mexican Bean Rice (250g pouch) 4 syns OR
Uncle Bens Special Spicy Mexican Style Rice (250g pouch ) 4½ syns
chicken - whether it was cooked with oil or sauce or anything? If so was it free or xx syns
peppers and onion (add any oil if you used any) was that a third speed - well done either way for inc some veggies!
Drink/s: how many and how much if it's not water or free from syns or you're using your HEA for measured milk
Snacks: write if it was a free food - HEA or HEB - and or include syns