Weigh-in this morning! +1.4 lb today. At first I was a bit upset (not that I had any right to be, because my food this week was not all on plan as recapped further down, and I've started retaining monthly water) but then I looked a bit deeper at the numbers provided by my fancy-schmancy scales.
This week I've been trying to do a bit of exercise (and I do mean a tiny bit, 6 minutes on my light cardio machine some days and I did some 2lb arm weights one day - I have to be careful not to tip my ME into a downward spiral which is frustrating sometimes) as I was concerned that my body fat % was never going down.
If the scales are to be believed, this had some effect this week. The body fat % (and therefore lean muscle mass) that it shows can vary depending on your hydration level so it will never be 100% precise, but according to it I've put on 1.2lb of lean muscle mass this week and my body fat % has gone down by 0.4. That seems like a lot and I'm pretty sure some of that is the variation in the scales but even if it was only 1/2 or 1/4 of that it is still progress! So I'm not as unhappy as I was when the weight number first stared up at me.
Food this week has been a bit all over the place and I was feeling a bit rebellious and like having a less strict week:
* One day I had a rebellious pizza lunch, which was within my calories but still pizza.
* One day (the ballooning day) I was not on plan at all.
* Two days I didn't eat enough for whatever reason.
* One day was sort of on plan but I missed breakfast and then overate calories and had a massive portion of pasta plus a junky snack.
The remaining days were pretty much on plan. Definitely not a textbook week! A gain is less upsetting I think if you can see where it's come from.
As far as my goals were concerned...
I didn't manage to drink 8 glasses of water every day this week, but I did on some days. Since this is an ongoing requirement I'm going to 'silently' carry it over, that is I won't list it in my weekly goals but will still be keeping track.
The kitchen cupboard clearout was half-completed. We managed to go through some cupboards and remove everything that wasn't good for me to eat. My husband now has a shopping bag full of goodies to munch on as he wishes.
I'll roll this one over as there are still some cupboards to go!