Aw you are all very sweet.
Still stressful this week to be honest. Every so often our management seems to get it into their heads to be as awkward and stressful as possible, it usually passes in time. In the meantime I seem to alternate between getting outraged or just trying to keep my head down, and trying not to eat everything in sight. Find it harder in the winter when my energy levels, immune system and mood all seem to take a bit of a dive but never mind!
Ashie, I work in IT in the civil service (sadly not the mythical one with the gold plated pensions, ha).
Food has been ok when I've eaten, but I've been so naughty about missing breakfast and sometimes lunch/snacks. I'm determined to try harder this week though!
I've managed to resist the sweet siren song of the mince pies so far but I did miss them a bit tonight. We got the tree decorated and usually I would have one then with some mulled wine. Instead I had a small gingerbread man which was quite nice. I've a love-hate relationship with the tree this year - usually we have a real tree, but needed to get it up early this year because of all the things still to do to get ready for the in-law Christmas (Christmageddon). So we got an artificial tree. It's a nice one but I keep looking at it and thinking 'you're not a REAL tree' which is silly because I don't really have anything against them, LOL. The gingerbread man helped.
Very pleased tonight also as we are starting to get our food organised for Christmas finally and even got a nice veggie curry for Christmas eve into the freezer tonight. I am trying to keep things low GI where I can and where it doesn't spoil the dish but won't sacrifice yumminess at Christmas!