Evening Pog, hope you've had a good dayI seem to have a permanent cold! Always feel bunged up and sneezing, maybe it's allergies I don't know lol. X
WI for first week of Cruise (also TOTM week with exercising)
70.8kg (-0.1kg)
Total 4cm loss
Hmm... I have mixed feelings about this. Practically no weight loss but 4cm loss making it total 9cm loss since I started this last Monday. And what's the body fat % all about?? I'm a slow loser anyway so I think I'll decide to be happy about it. At least I've lost the most around my waist and belly.
It's nearly the weekend!!! Yay!!
I weighed this morning and to my surprise the scales showed 70.4kgI'm still going to only record each Friday's WI but seeing that number gave me motivation to be good today. Maybe sometimes it's good to weigh in everyday?
Hey PogMoma
How you doing? TOTM always gets us! Bet you will see a big whoosh next week!
And 4cm loss is great - well done.
How do you check body fat? Calipers?
Hope you had a great weekend!
Its started already
And I cant stop myself hopping on the scales every day! If the number dont change or even goes up, I have reached a point where I know it doesn't matter - its just a number!
But it does help me check if I have over indulged (like on the sausages last week - luckily no affect).
A good resultyou're doing very well! Do you enjoy dukan and feel full etc? It's a diet I don't understand at all.
What are you studying?
Have a good Sunday x