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Tonight's Cottage Pie Dinner
6 ProPoints if counting & 1 ProPoints on F&H.

Made using 70g 5% fat minced beef (2pp), onions, mushrooms, peppers & carrots. Add some tinned tomatoes & beef stock, splash of Lea & Perrins & simmer until the sauce thickens. Cook 125g raw potatoes (3pp) in a pan of vegetable stock & add a teaspoon of mustard. Once cooked mash well & top on the mince. Add 15g of low fat cheddar (1pp) & place in oven until bubbling.
Serve with vegetables of your choice. Delicious.


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image-591510777.jpg pasta 8pp chicken 3pp bacon 4pp mayo & pepper 6pp - 21pp

image-104764460.jpg rice 8pp curry sauce 4pp mushrooms broccoli carrots 0pp poppadom 2pp - 14pp

image-1379023695.jpg 1/4 sainsbury's pizza 10pp homemade chips and seasoning 6pp salad and sweetcorn 1pp garlic and onion dip 1pp - 18pp

image-1874023515.jpg garlic and herb chicken 4pp pitta bread 4pp salad 0pp homade chips 6pp - 14pp

image-3388407099.jpg chicken burger 3pp pitta 4pp philli garlic and herb light 1pp salad and sweetcorn 1pp homemade chips 6pp - 14pp
Two of my favourite ww recipes.

Club Sandwich 9pp
Ww pizza 6pp


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Weatherspoons chicken skewers only 11pp without the peri peri sauce (I don't like it anyway)


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Weatherspoons chicken skewers only 11pp without the peri peri sauce (I don't like it anyway)

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Pete’s Aloo Gobi-2015
Serves 2
1 Onion, finely chopped (0pp)
1 Cinnamon Stick
1 Knorr Veg stockpot (1pp)
1tsp Turmeric
1tsp Cumin
1tsp Coriander
1tbsp Sweetener
1tbsp Panch Phoron
1tbsp garam masala
2 garlic, finely chopped
2 Bay leaves
200mL Hot water
300g Cauliflower florets (0pp)
300g Maris pipers potatoes, cut into 1cm pieces (3pp per person)
410g Tomatoes (0pp)


Heat a large frying pan sprayed with frylight, when hot add the Panch Phoron, cook until the seeds start to “pop”, add the onion, bay leaves, cinnamon stick, garlic & stockpot, reduce the heat & cook until the onions are soft. Add all the spices except Garam Masala & mix together, add the tomatoes, hot water & sweetener, cauliflower & potatoes, bring to the boil then reduce the heat and cook for 20-30 until the potatoes are cooked & soft, add the Garam Masala, continue to cook for 5 mins & serve in warmed dishes. Remove the bay leaves & cinnamon stick before eating.
Aloo Gobi (Small).JPG
Pete’s Roasted Butternut Squash (2015)
Serves 2
1 Onion, finely chopped (0pp)
1 Garlic, finely chopped (0pp)
1 Knorr dark beef stockpot (1pp)
1 Medium size butternut squash (0pp)
1 Tsp Olive oil (1pp)
120g 5% beef mince (2pp per person)
120g Sainsbury’s Golden vegetable savoury rice (2pp per person)
400g Chopped tomatoes (0pp)
Bouquet garni
S & P


Preheat the oven to 180C.
Cut the butternut squash in half, lengthways, scoop out the seeds. Using a spoon, scoop out the flesh until the sides are about 1cm thick, using a food brush, coat the inside of the squash with olive oil, place on an oven tray, cook for 30-40 mins until the squash has browned.
At the same time, in a frying pan sprayed with frylight, cook the onion & garlic for a few mins until the onion is soft.
Add mince, cook until browned, add stockpot, and mix well. Add tomatoes, bouquet garni, cook for 25 mins.
Cook rice as per instructions on packet.
Remove squash from oven; add rice to one half, mince to the other, remembering to remove the bouquet garni! Season with S & P
Return to the oven & cook for a further 10 mins, serve while hot.

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