+*+* POST your food pics for meal ideas +*+*+*

i would but I can't be bothered doing chips now and they won't be ready in time for the quiche!
ok i've done it.... didn't work out as planned and it all broke up when i dished it out but it was bloody scrummy! much better than last time.


Chickpea cakes - yellow ones (vanilla) 1/2syn each

chocolate ones (1syn each)

made with tin chickpeas, tsp baking soda, 2 eggs, 25g sweetner, loads vanilla essence. Also used quark and vanilla for 'cream filling' - the choc ones have a sachet of hi-lites hot choc :)

I know it is misuse of syns but hey 2 a week won't hurt lol

Added bonus my kids and the neighbours 2 i am looking after (7 and 3) absolutely loved em and they are so much healthier than normal ones i bake!


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Niknaks your quiche looks really lovely. I made a tuna one from a sw recipe book and it was disgusting.... threw it away. Also it broke up, think it got stuck to the bottom pmsl

Niknaks your quiche looks really lovely. I made a tuna one from a sw recipe book and it was disgusting.... threw it away. Also it broke up, think it got stuck to the bottom pmsl

Aww thanks. Made this this afternoon for my lunch too lol x
hanve you tried 1pk batcholars creamy chese n mild brocally pastan sauce . make with water ,wen cooked line a quich dish with it ,mixtogeter 3 eggs (whisked) tub cottage cheese, small tin sweetcorn pour over pasta i placed sliced tomatoes on top . cook in hot oven till firm serve hot or cold . used to be syn free on green
Here's my sw quiche made with leftover angel hair spagetti (very frugal!), spring onions and red pepper. No syns.


what do you use to make your quiche go crispy on top??
i cheated last night and this morning :( I ended up getting a bit drunk and then my mum invited me up for a big breakfast this morning so i went. kill me now :D
what do you use to make your quiche go crispy on top??

I find everything goes a bit black and crispy if I leave it in the oven long enough!
it looks tastier when its crispy!
I find everything goes a bit black and crispy if I leave it in the oven long enough!

ha ha ha - like most of my dinners then ha ha - love it - wish i had left over pasta some time - my kids are gannett's!!!!!!!!!!
i am attempting quiche again later on... Gonna make it perfect this time lol My stepdad nicked half of yesterday's and my daughter had some and loved it!
If I make a big batch.. like really deep and a big oven dish, how long can I keep it in the fridge??
cheese burger chips and beans

cheseburger chips and beans 0.5 syns for quorn quarter pounder using he for 3 ww danish and 3 babyble light cheeses hxa
I made this yummy Moroccan chicken & vegetable 'stew' with lemon & herb couscous (tesco - free on Green)

Skinless chicken thighs, 1tsp cinnamon, 1tsp cumin, salt, pepper, red pepper, carrots, red onion, butternut squash, courgette, spinach and quartered lemon - chuck the lemon in and then remove once dish is cooked. Served on a bed of couscous.

Made this last night and just had the leftovers for lunch.


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Herby trout:

This is an adaptation of a recipe in the latest SW magazine. I couldn't get salmon sides, so used trout fillets. I made a filling with Quark, fresh dill, salt, pepper and garlic. Mixed all together and then smothered over the trout fillets (removed all extra little bones) then laid the other fillet on top, wrapped in foil and baked for 25 mins. When cooked I removed the skin. Was lovely cold with salad.

I'd like to try it with salmon next time, good dish for entertaining too!


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This is a wonderful thread.
Thanks so much for everyone who has added to it.
Please keep it up
oh I wanted to do that as have a whole trout to use in freezer so thought I would substitute for the salmon but tesco had no quark grrr. Gonna try the bigger one in town for it tomoro and if not will go via asda too. Drat........I made the meatballs from new mag and forgot about this thread or I would have put a photo of them on, they were delish but I left out the celery from sauce as I hate it and put splash of worcester sauce in for a bit more flavour instead. I got 24 balls with my mixture.