Post your points queries here :) One of our experts will get back to you ;)

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How many points are in risotto rice? Is it the same as normal rice? 20g = 1 point??
Going to make it with mushrooms for my tea! :)
^^^ sorry I am not sure but I would think so.

Does anyone know how many points are in a croissant? I missed lunch today so treated myself and guessed 8 points. Total guess lol.

Thanks Karen. I am suprised it is so low :)

mmmm what can I eat now???? ;)
Can someone advise me on these points please xx


I am looking in my book but cant seem to find the points values.

I need to know how much 200-250g of belly pork is and also how much a medium roast potato is.

Thanks guys
Dinka x
I am hoping to eat this in about an hour can anyone help, i cant find it anywhere, i know its going to be high in points but i promised DH we could have it as I have 16pts left?

Belly pork .... just says uncooked one portion 5.5 points ( dont know how big one portion is though!

a small roast potato is 1.5 points

sorry but thats all i could find x
Thanks guys, after all that didnt end up eating it, i took one bite, all I could taste was grease and fat so spat it out and ate the potato and peas lol didnt bother with roasties either so a very healthy dinner haha
Well done!

I had belly pork the other week and was mortified by the amount of points for such a tiny amount. I LOVE belly pork but it is safe to say I no longer look at it the same way :-(

I can't wait to see your first weigh in :)
Right, I have a milky way here (double pack!) I have just eaten one but there is no saturated fat info on the back. Does anyone know how many points are in a single milky way?
ok...I am now eating the other one ..... please say they are low.... hehehe
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