We found our Moses basket mattress at mothercare (size was a problem it seemed) but got the cot mattress on offer from toys r us.

I don't know what Hosp you're at but all in Birmingham (except one) you need to take formula with you (if you want to af) my advice would be to get one of the starter packs (boots and others sell them) you can get either cow and gate or aptamil and they are ready made sterile bottles with teats to attach as you need. If you don't need them then fine, but it saves the stress if you do as they are prepped and ready to go! I bought one pack and only used about 4 as I topped her up in the first few days as she was a hungry sausage and I couldn't keep up! Then once home, I got the other bottles from asda and my steriliser (a cold water Milton one) so that hubby could feed her sometimes.
I would advise not buying the cot sets including the bumpers. Quilts and bumpers are a cot death risk and you're advised not to use them (sorry-midwife bit coming out!) just buy a couple of cot sheets and blankets and they should do you! We didn't use a sleeping bag/pod until she was about 10 weeks as she was a summer babe and it was too hot. Just one blanket was fine!
Personally I love my muslins. She was quite a sicky baby and it was useful for general mopping/wiping. You can get reasonable ones from asda. Asda and sainsburys are great for baby stuff. Mothercare are good for 'specialist' bits but expensive for other things.
We started when I was about 24 weeks I think...just got bits and bobs. You will find you get loads of bits tho!