Finally Pregnant!!
And we also don't have wilkinsons
Wilkinsons do cheap and v good bags as well. I bought 3rolls when she was born and still not finished them! Completely off topic, but how many of you have been given Vitamin D supplements during pregnancy and afterwards drops and tablets for you and baby? Have just been watching panorama from Monday and it's got me thinking. So sad. Those poor parents. :,(
Interesting. The programme was about babies who had been removed from their parents apparently due to abuse (they had fractures) but then there was some question marks over vitamin D deficiency. In a couple of cases the children were then adopted and the parents were devastated. There is a bit more to it than that, like with everything, and I'm sure a lot wasn't covered but it did get me thinking about vitamin D deficiency.
Pregnant women are supposed to take a vitamin D supplement in pregnancy as many of us are deficient and you can't get what you need from diet alone (generally). And deficient vit d in babes can lead to rickets. In Birmingham you get healthy start vitamins (which also contain folic acid) which you are advised to take during pregnancy and afterwards if you're bf. Baby is then given drops they should have up to the age of 4or5 I think. However, having done a bit of googling it seems this standard giving out of vits is by No means common practice even though it's recommended by the DOH. And nice. Ladies who are still pregnant, may be worth asking at next midwife appt and see what they say....would be interested to hear any info. Am thinking might be a good masters topic....
Re the blankets I've got cellular ones and that's all he needs during the night. I double it over so it's the equivalent of two blankets but because it's got holes in if it goes over his little face (which it never has yet) he can still breathe. I haven't got a changing table. I've just got a mat that I use on the floor. Also don't pay a fortune for nappy sacks. If there's a Morrisons near you they do 100 for 12p and they're brilliant.
Interesting. The programme was about babies who had been removed from their parents apparently due to abuse (they had fractures) but then there was some question marks over vitamin D deficiency. In a couple of cases the children were then adopted and the parents were devastated. There is a bit more to it than that, like with everything, and I'm sure a lot wasn't covered but it did get me thinking about vitamin D deficiency. Pregnant women are supposed to take a vitamin D supplement in pregnancy as many of us are deficient and you can't get what you need from diet alone (generally). And deficient vit d in babes can lead to rickets. In Birmingham you get healthy start vitamins (which also contain folic acid) which you are advised to take during pregnancy and afterwards if you're bf. Baby is then given drops they should have up to the age of 4or5 I think. However, having done a bit of googling it seems this standard giving out of vits is by No means common practice even though it's recommended by the DOH. And nice. Ladies who are still pregnant, may be worth asking at next midwife appt and see what they say....would be interested to hear any info. Am thinking might be a good masters topic....
Dannii was that some thing you bought or was given to you? Obv pregnacare etc have it all in but not everyone takes that and similar. Just wondering x
Ooo Frances! Not long now...were you early/late? What about your bros and sisters? Xx
Laura that's the only reason am so calm about it.. Coz I remember yours going.. lolSuzie in Ireland they advice mothers to buy vit d drops for the baby and give them from birth until older. My midwife also advised me to take a multivit with vit D before and after baby.
Frances my plug went very early on in pregnancy, can't remember when but think roughly around 14 weeks. It can regrow and doesn't necessary mean you are close to labour. But keep an eye on the braxton hicks and get yourself into the hospital for monitoring if they are anywhere near regular xx
Laura that's the only reason am so calm about it.. Coz I remember yours going.. lol
Otherwise I think I'd be up the wall imagining every little thing was a contraction.. I'd be camping on the hospital doorstep til they saw to me... ha ha ha...
Was thinking that as I typed it Laura.. Strangely.. Though I don't know so I will ask him.. Am sure she'd have mentioned it when his wife was pregnant...If your brother was born very hairy though that can be a sign of a premie so just mind yourself. I'm sure you'll be fine though xx
Was thinking that as I typed it Laura.. Strangely.. Though I don't know so I will ask him.. Am sure she'd have mentioned it when his wife was pregnant...
Another downfall to her not being here is not knowing her pregnancy history...
Think i'll mail him now![]()
Vitamin D... i was never given by docs either, midwife only asked about folic acid. Im taking the Seven Seas pregnancy vitamins though so all it ok! im also on asprin by perscription from doc!
oooo exciting Frances, I lost my plug whilst having mild contractions but you can lose a few times in pregnancy too. x