Pregnancy and Baby Advice Thread: From Conception to Birth, and Beyond!

I'm so glad to hear it. I for one was shocked to read what had been written!!! Utterly shocked!!! And I too had chocolate in the form of a malteaser bunny!! ;-) xxxx

Solidarity chocolate! ;) xxx
Glad you're ok Missy :) xx
Ladies... I need you all to work together and send some serious labour vibes my way lol :vibes:

Getting fed up now, and also been told they think I have carpal tunnel which is making my hands huge and painful! And they won't look at inducing me til 12 days over...1ST MARCH!!! ahhhhh...

Please help lol xx

tons of labour vibes Jess!! :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:

I expect the favour returned when its my turn :D xxx
And yes...thank you for the labour vibes girls :) Nothing happening yet but hopefully soon ;) xx so utterly angry at what ive read. Way to make mums who CANNOT breastfeed feel like *****. A bottle was forced into my baby's mouth as he had an infection and low blood sugar and even the 'professionals' couldnt help me with breastfeeding AND I didnt have enough supply amongst other things.

The above has torn me apart emotionally and I have cried so much as I just presumed that I would be able to breastfeed. Your posts are offensive and are in no way taking into account the feelings of others. Shocking.
Couple of questions tonight - I know, I'm a pest!!!

1. Do babies have a growth spurt around 7 weeks? Cole has literally slept all day apart from to wake for food, when the HV was here and when we bathed him. He's been really grumpy too and crying for no reason, which isn't like him. Dr Google says they have a growth spurt between 6-8 weeks but I don't always believe google anymore (finally!!!).

2. Anyone taking their babies swimming at a young age? I read that babies learn better younger as they have a natural instinct and fear doesn't kick in until they are 18 months old. Tom can't swim and I can swim but hate having water in my face, jumping into water or putting my head underwater so we want Cole to be confident with it all. I'm considering looking into taking him swimming but not sure what's the best age. I found some sessions that are £12 each (ha!!) but our local pool does 10 lessons for £60. I was thinking of maybe starting him in April so it's (hopefully) not as cold and we've got nothing else on. Anyone else done/doing this??
Couple of questions tonight - I know, I'm a pest!!!

1. Do babies have a growth spurt around 7 weeks? Cole has literally slept all day apart from to wake for food, when the HV was here and when we bathed him. He's been really grumpy too and crying for no reason, which isn't like him. Dr Google says they have a growth spurt between 6-8 weeks but I don't always believe google anymore (finally!!!).

2. Anyone taking their babies swimming at a young age? I read that babies learn better younger as they have a natural instinct and fear doesn't kick in until they are 18 months old. Tom can't swim and I can swim but hate having water in my face, jumping into water or putting my head underwater so we want Cole to be confident with it all. I'm considering looking into taking him swimming but not sure what's the best age. I found some sessions that are £12 each (ha!!) but our local pool does 10 lessons for £60. I was thinking of maybe starting him in April so it's (hopefully) not as cold and we've got nothing else on. Anyone else done/doing this??

Since when have you been a pest?!?
I'm trying to think back re growth spurts....I can't really remember tbh but I think she had one about 6 weeks?? I may be imagining that. She def had one at 3months.
Re swimming you can take them as young as you like. We've taken Abbie quite a few times but not to set lessons yet as I don't want to be tied in to set times as Benn works shifts and he obviously likes to see her when he's off and if I'm out I feel bad. I have friends who do take them though and they like it. Waterbabies is supposed to be good but v expensive. Our local pool is v warm and geared up for babies - can take pram in etc, and you can either pay for 12 lessons in one go (about £50) or £4.70 per week (pay as you go). The problem with paying all at once though is that if they are ill or you miss a week you don't get your money back.
Give it a go maybe just once? If you hate it (or cole does) you haven't sept loads of money you can't get back?? Xxxx
Since when have you been a pest?!? I'm trying to think back re growth spurts....I can't really remember tbh but I think she had one about 6 weeks?? I may be imagining that. She def had one at 3months. Re swimming you can take them as young as you like. We've taken Abbie quite a few times but not to set lessons yet as I don't want to be tied in to set times as Benn works shifts and he obviously likes to see her when he's off and if I'm out I feel bad. I have friends who do take them though and they like it. Waterbabies is supposed to be good but v expensive. Our local pool is v warm and geared up for babies - can take pram in etc, and you can either pay for 12 lessons in one go (about £50) or £4.70 per week (pay as you go). The problem with paying all at once though is that if they are ill or you miss a week you don't get your money back. Give it a go maybe just once? If you hate it (or cole does) you haven't sept loads of money you can't get back?? Xxxx

I just realised we're going away for a night in mid May to a Haven site with my sister and they have a kids pool that's shallow, and free, so think we'll take him there first. Plus it means Tom gets to come to his first ever swim with the water being shallow. Then maybe I'll look into individual classes, like you said. Tom works in retail so gets his days off in the week rather than weekends but he can request his hours or days off around my plans usually so if we go swimming on a certain day he'll always work it. Definitely think I'm gonna wait until May now :) thanks Susie xx
Sarah - I have a free app called the wonder weeks. I find it really good to give an idea of different development leaps. May show whether cole due a growth spurt. I also plan to take Oliver swimming early although don't you have to wait til injections done? X

Thanks Penny, I'll have a look now :)

I thought that about the jabs but, of the two places I've looked at, one takes babies from newborn and the other from 6 weeks. He's got his first lot next Thursday but not sure when the rest are?x
Thanks Penny, I'll have a look now :) I thought that about the jabs but, of the two places I've looked at, one takes babies from newborn and the other from 6 weeks. He's got his first lot next Thursday but not sure when the rest are?x

Maybe it has changed. I think jabs are 8, 12 and 16 weeks. Can't wait to take Oliver swimming although he tends to scream in the bath so probably shouldn't expect him to like swimming either at first! X
Maybe it has changed. I think jabs are 8, 12 and 16 weeks. Can't wait to take Oliver swimming although he tends to scream in the bath so probably shouldn't expect him to like swimming either at first! X

Yeah that sounds about right with their jabs (I think).
Cole hated the bath too until about a week or so ago and now he just lays in the water looking round. He only cries now if we bath him when his hungry so he goes in after a bottle now :) x
I think screaming in the bath is common when they're brand new, Seth hated being bathed for weeks but he's coming round to it now bless him and we even got a smile in the bath the other day! I want to take Seth swimming but we've said we'll wait until he's a bit bigger and actually enjoys water a bit more. We can't afford lessons so I think we'll just take him to the parent and child session in the baby pool, let him have a splash and see how he does :)

Just looked in the red book and yeah, it's 8, 12 and 16 weeks. But I don't think you need to wait for the jabs to be done to take them swimming, at least at our local baths you don't. The lessons are from 3 months but it says you can bring babies to parent and child sessions once they've had their 6 week check. :) xxx
Couple of questions tonight - I know, I'm a pest!!!

1. Do babies have a growth spurt around 7 weeks? Cole has literally slept all day apart from to wake for food, when the HV was here and when we bathed him. He's been really grumpy too and crying for no reason, which isn't like him. Dr Google says they have a growth spurt between 6-8 weeks but I don't always believe google anymore (finally!!!).

2. Anyone taking their babies swimming at a young age? I read that babies learn better younger as they have a natural instinct and fear doesn't kick in until they are 18 months old. Tom can't swim and I can swim but hate having water in my face, jumping into water or putting my head underwater so we want Cole to be confident with it all. I'm considering looking into taking him swimming but not sure what's the best age. I found some sessions that are £12 each (ha!!) but our local pool does 10 lessons for £60. I was thinking of maybe starting him in April so it's (hopefully) not as cold and we've got nothing else on. Anyone else done/doing this??

Yes i remember Jacob been like this too around that age, also slept all day having cuddles with me when he had his injections.

Regards swimming, Jacob was about 11 weeks when we took him in our hot tub.(wasnt hot) He didnt cry like he used to sometimes when bathing,... Infact he fell asleep!! lol
hot tub with babies (15).jpg
Thought I might try this...


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Yes i remember Jacob been like this too around that age, also slept all day having cuddles with me when he had his injections. Regards swimming, Jacob was about 11 weeks when we took him in our hot tub.(wasnt hot) He didnt cry like he used to sometimes when bathing,... Infact he fell asleep!! lol <img src=""/>

Aw that's a lovely photo Jess. My mum used to have a hot tub but it bloody broke. Typical!! Think we're going to take him for his first swim in May at Primrose Valley then look into lessons :) x
It's such a sweet idea :) xx

I give up ladies. I don't know what else to do.

I've had a sweep, I've eaten spicy food, DTD, nipple tweaked, taken RLT and EPO, gone on a long walk, nested beyond belief, bounced on my birthing ball every day...

Nothing works! She's just wriggling about at the moment quite happily!!! Almost 4 days overdue now, and it's a week tomorrow since my sweep!

Why won't she come out?! :( xx
Jess, I've been there and done everything you have. I really do sympathise, I felt exactly the same way.
The only advice I can give you is sit back and just enjoy the time you have left. I resigned myself to being induced. Decided sod it, can't do anything else to help her along. So I decided to sleep more and made cakes (nom know the really naughty ones in all the recipe books that normally you would skip past cos they are just obscenely bad?) And about 3 days after I kicked back and did FA (apart from eating cake) it started.....xxxxx