25 years old.Vegetarian .Calorie Counter
They recommend you make bottles from scratch now but you can do it the way you do at work, it's just not supposed to be the best way. I found this link which helped me. I think this is why a lot of people are buying the TT machine as the new guidelines are a faff! And yeah, it's 2 hours once the feed has been made until you have to throw it away. With expressed milk you don't have to be quite a careful (although still careful of course!) as the milk is sterile and stands up to bugs better than formula does. So you can keep in the fridge for up to 5 days I was told. I can only express 3oz max at a time which is nowhere near enough for a feed so I have a sterilised bottle in the fridge which I add to every time I express by pouring the milk from the collection bottle into the fridge bottle. I was told to fridge the collection bottle first though so you're not adding warm milk to cold, Then when he's ready for it I just swap the sealing ring for a teat, warm it up in hot water and we're ready to goxxx
Thanks missy that leaflet is super helpful
Do you use formula at all or do you just bf? Xx