Big Bird
Hey missie as long as little Seth is still feeding well and still having wet nappies I wouldn't worry. If he goes off feeds or he stops peeing as much take him to see your doc.xx
I had this as well...from about the same age her poo was more green than yellow. It varied sometimes to 'proper' mustard colour but like Seth she was feeding well, weeing loads etc. I asked the HV and she said sometimes it's just our diet that influences it and not to worry. I did try to make sure she emptied a boob though before moving her over (used to massage etc), sometimes too more of the fore milk can cause green and mucusy poos but it didn't make that much difference if I'm honest. Xxx
Thanks ladies - that does help!
That makes sense Susie, that our diet would affect the milk and therefore poos. They vary in colour from practically neon yellow to dark yellowey brown with a bit of green. They are mega runny at the mo, almost looks like diarrhoea but he's showing no signs of dehydration so not sure if I should worry? There has been an awful lot of poop over the last few days! He's got a sore bum again too even though I'm keeping him regularly changed and sudocrem'd. Poor baby has been so unsettled today
I did google (I know, I know!) and I read about fore/hind milk imbalance. I do try to make him finish a boob but will be a bit more conscious of that just in case it does help.