I use a fit ball to do my Pilates on I don't think it will cause you to go into labour but it's good in the final trimester for turning baby. That's what I've found when I googled x
As far as I know you can use the ball any time you like! I was using it from about 28 weeks on the advice of my physio so can't imagine it would be a problem xxx
Hi ladies, needing some advice and feeling very nervous to post this as I don't like to open up. I was depressed before I fell pregnant, due to feeling useless, and pointless in life. More of the fact from having knee surgery and been useless to even stand up myself. (On going from a accident on 07 with lots or surgeries already and always got depressed with it) Well I stopped my medication when fell pregnant and everything was going fine. Recently I feel so unhappy. Hubby doesn't help with Jacob much, I have to ask for him to bath him, or get him dressed on weekends. Same with house work. He never does the pots, Hoover's, laundry etc. I have to ask which sometimes still doesn't happen! It makes him sound lazy but he does a lot of work within the house and garden... Like we moved Jacob in new room little while ago and doing his old room as nursery for this baby. Friday I was peed off with him as suppose to go to his dads to drop Jaocb off for the weekend but he popped to a fishing shop which said would be 2mins.. half hour later, he comes back!. Jacob was unhappy and crying in car as wanted to go see Molly. His grandma's dog. Try explaining to a 2.5yr old we've got to wait is not good! Then yesterday I drove (learner) to shops, I questioned was it this turning to go to the shop which he was like yes. So I stopped yo wait but cars were pulling out that lane so I said no it's not as cars were coming out. So he shouted at me yer it is it's there!! Move forward. (Ok might not sound as bad when I write it up now) which made me feel awful and started crying. I went in kind of parked and said he can sort it (useless as parking, no practice.) I had to run to the toilets as I was so upset and crying!! We did have a nice dinner date set for at home I was going to cook but I went straight to bed and stayed there whole night. I feel so unhappy and guilty as I should be so joyful!!What harm would depression tablets do this far along? Everything was going great until this last week :'(
Hey Jess, I had a lot of problems with depression and anxiety during pregnancy. I was off the tablets before and had been for a while but pregnancy made it worse and I ended up having a breakdown at about 15 weeks, after which I was put under the perinatal mental health team. It was suggested that I get back on the pills (alongside therapy) but by that point I was so close to the end I wanted to get through without. They did assure me that some tablets are ok to take though, the ones they wanted to give me were sertraline. After I had Seth they were concerned about PND with my history and started me on sertraline as a precaution but so far I've been ok and much more stable than I was in pregnancy! I still go to therapy appointments every two weeks.
I know I'm rambling but I guess I'm saying that there are things they can do to help, not just pills either but things like CBT. Sometimes there's no reason for depression other then brain chemistry and pregnancy messes with our hormones so much that it's no surprise we struggle sometimes. Definitely talk to your midwife and see if she can suggest what to do - we have a specialist mental health midwife where I am and she was invaluable help but you have to be referred and that sort of thing can't happen unless your midwife knows. Or try your doctor if you have one you feel you can talk to? Either way please tell someone - yes, pregnancy should be a happy time but I know from my experience that the pressure to feel happy all the time can just make you feel worse.
If you ever want to chat just drop me a pm xxx
Whats everyones thoughts on setting up an email address for baby and sending emails? What type of things would you send by email? Photos etc? Just trying to think of ideasAnyone got any other good 'making memories' ideas?
Just wanted to give you ladies a heads up for any of you that use Johnsons products on your babies. Johnsons products contain a cancer-causing ingredient (you can google for more info...Johnsons have admitted this) and so I stopped using Johnsons products on my little one. I wanted to make sure you are all aware and I feel like I have to let you all know as I know I would want to have been made aware if someone else had this information xx
Just wanted to give you ladies a heads up for any of you that use Johnsons products on your babies. Johnsons products contain a cancer-causing ingredient (you can google for more info...Johnsons have admitted this) and so I stopped using Johnsons products on my little one. I wanted to make sure you are all aware and I feel like I have to let you all know as I know I would want to have been made aware if someone else had this information xx
Just wanted to give you ladies a heads up for any of you that use Johnsons products on your babies. Johnsons products contain a cancer-causing ingredient (you can google for more info...Johnsons have admitted this) and so I stopped using Johnsons products on my little one. I wanted to make sure you are all aware and I feel like I have to let you all know as I know I would want to have been made aware if someone else had this information xx
I collect pictures and videos and have started making a video of all the pictures from newborn -now. Taking me ages but will be awesome
Doing the video clips are proven to be harder as it's hard mixing them together after a calm waking up to a screaming one lol..
As of Johnson's stuff, I saw this too and going to use something different now!! Not sure which products etc though. Want nice smelling and more natural ones! X
Does anyone know what to do when your baby has a cold? Cole is full of it, his nose is always blocked and I think he's got a sore throat as his crying is really hoarse.
I've used the saline solution to clear his nose. I've got some snufflebabe and baby Olbas oil but they both say from three months and he's only 9 weeks tomorrow. His nose doesn't seem to bother him too much, it seems to be more his throat. I know they say not to give babies water but I just tried him with some boiled aired water and he loved it. Had an ounce and is now snoring his head off. Is it ok to give him bits? I know the water can fill them so they don't drink their milk but if I only give him bits and it eases his throat would you all give it? And is there anything else I can do for him?