Need some advice please girls - Bella isn't eating enough. She weighed 12.12 last time I got her weighed (last week) and is 10.5 weeks old. According to the back of the milk pack she should be having 5x6 oz feeds within 24 hours. She has 5 feeds in 24 hours but tends to drink around 4-5 oz but today has been so uninterested in her Feds and has just drunk 2.5oz before bed

she is a really good sleeper (gawd I hope I don't jinx myself) and usually sleeps from around 8 and prob won't wake up until between 5.30 and 6.30am when she will have a bottle then go straight back to sleep until around 10 - 10.30 when I often have to wake her for her next feed. There isn't anywhere else that I can fit a feed in as she then goes every 3 hours until bed time again 6am ;wake up for bottle) 10.30am (I have to wake her) 1.30pm 4.30pm 7.30pm (bedtime) Quite often she looks discusted when I offer her the bottle back half way through after burping and she is constantly turning her head about looking all about, even if I feed her in the dark she is having a nose around! Have been advised to try her on teet 2 as she is prob getting bored and having to work too hard but she really suffers with trapped wind and don't want this to make it worse! Don't know what to do

Today she has only totaled 21.5 oz - should be 30!!