Wahh so much to catch up on! Nights are pants! Congrats Dougal-must have missed that! How you feeling? Gtt testing times vary from hops to Hosp. We do it around 25 weeks if you're at risk, and can test up to 35weeks if you show signs of it. After that you have to check your blood sugars for a week. The women's Hosp which is 3miles away test at 26-28 weeks. Our BMI cut off in Bham is above 35 as otherwise we would test everyone due to the nature of our population.....

If you had GDM before they will likely test around 16-18 weeks (again it varies) and then again at 25-28 weeks. Re the protein thing at dinner, I read the opposite in a few books that suggested to try and give protein at lunch as it's harder to digest and can keep them up at night with a bad tummy...at least til they are older. Made sense to me and that what we did til she was about 8-9months, she had veg/fruit/mash etc at dinner. So odd how the advice is so different!! She will eat anything and everything at any time of the day now!