Apologies in advance for all the questions!!
We are trying to establish a bedtime routine for Oliver and basically I need some advice-
At what age did you start doing a routine? Did you wake your little one for food just cos it was time, even if they had only fed say an hour ago?
Did it work?
And at what age did your little ones sleep through the night?
And am I expecting too much, considering he's only 10 weeks, 5 days old??
Just for info- he takes 5x 7oz bottles a day, going roughly 4-5 hours between feeds so he generally feeds at:
3am, 7am, 12pm, 5pm, 10pm
However today he's had 6x 7oz bottles!!!
He weighs 15lbs (will confirm when I get him weighed tomorrow but he was 14lbs 3oz two weeks ago).
Any help? Tia xx