Pregnancy and Baby Advice Thread: From Conception to Birth, and Beyond!

Early weaning is only recommended if the reflux is so bad the baby starts to drop centiles
However after 17 weeks you could do without their advise
Poor Oliver. Sounds like my Oliver too. He never had it from birth... It started about 12 weeks I think. Like Cole it was silent reflux. Even now he hardly brings any milk up. We were advised to give food from 17 weeks - baby rice, fruit and veg purées. It did help and he was off all medication until he got ill and then it flared up again. We found gaviscon didn't help so on strong medicine (begins with r!). X
Mia with Ewan the dream sheep! Hope he helps her go to bed early tonight lol


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GP did say the advice now is to wait until 6 months to start weaning unless baby is ready or for health reasons but she also said her little girl was a reflux baby and she started weaning her at 15 weeks on baby rice, porridge, purée' sect and it cleared up the reflux, so that's the only reason she thinks it could be a good idea to start early...
I brought the TT teething dummies and put Bonjela on and Oliver instantly took to it, keeps spitting it out but he does that with all his dummies as he likes to play with them *rolls eyes*
His hands are still his teething toy of choice atm!!
Poor Oliver. Sounds like my Oliver too. He never had it from birth... It started about 12 weeks I think. Like Cole it was silent reflux. Even now he hardly brings any milk up. We were advised to give food from 17 weeks - baby rice, fruit and veg purées. It did help and he was off all medication until he got ill and then it flared up again. We found gaviscon didn't help so on strong medicine (begins with r!). X
Is it Ranitidine?
I was on that during pregnancy- good stuff! X
Ben has bad reflux and Oliver sounds quite similar. We tried gaviscon but it didn't work and we now use anti reflux milk which is amazing. However both cause terrible constipation my poor boy was bleeding from his bottom trying to poo so now has to have movicol every day. I would still try smaller more frequent bottles if you can, greedy boys taking more than they need doesn't help.
The teething dummy was from tesco, I like the sound if the cold muslin too.
My Sophie is mothercares version which is a deer and cost about £8 and is pretty much the same xx
Oliver goes for a poo every 2-3 days but he's never straining or anything and HV said that's fine.
I think GP will advise anti reflux milk if he's still like this in a week...
Going to try the smaller more frequent bottles I think- he's hardly every taking 7oz at the min, always more like 4...
Thanks x
Yep that's the one!
How much if it is he allowed?
I pretty much lived on it during pregnancy and it was excellent... But I wouldn't have thought it'd be allowed for babies?
Has anyone got any tips on getting rid of wind in an 8 month old? For the second night running Cole has woke up screaming. I think his teeth are bothering him and he's had bonjela and calpol but if he passes a bit of wind that eases his crying slightly. He's not eating particularly windy foods and he's had some gripe water.
Sarah that sounds like Éabha now. The constant hiccups n being sick clear liquid with speckles of milk in.... Weird... She's never had reflux at all...

Re wind... I find Éabha always farts n burps as soon as she's on the floor. Can't recommend tummy time enough for clearing wind..
Otherwise just a bit of gripe water r cooled (but still warm) boiled water... Xxx
Has anyone got any tips on getting rid of wind in an 8 month old? For the second night running Cole has woke up screaming. I think his teeth are bothering him and he's had bonjela and calpol but if he passes a bit of wind that eases his crying slightly. He's not eating particularly windy foods and he's had some gripe water.

Oh no, that's rubbish. Apart from gripe water I have nothing to suggest. Keep him up right after feeds? Cycling his legs. Not sure really. Hope it's passed and all sleeping now.
Did anyone have issues after pregnancy...

I'm still bleeding and I've got to have some bloods to check thyroid, if I'm anemic and some other bits.
I've also got to go for a scan to check if I've any placenta or other stuff left behind.. :(
Did anyone have issues after pregnancy...

I'm still bleeding and I've got to have some bloods to check thyroid, if I'm anemic and some other bits.
I've also got to go for a scan to check if I've any placenta or other stuff left behind.. :(

I lost a lot of blood after labour and I was on iron tabs for 2 weeks, I bled until 5 weeks, clear for 3 days and then bled again for 2 weeks, then clear until 11 weeks when I had a very very heavy period that knocked me for six :(

Went to docs yesterday as I was still feeling weak, drained, etc and I've got to have a blood test done next week to check my iron levels...
She thinks I should have been checked over after I finished the last lot but, of course, no one told me I had to go back to docs!
She thinks I'm anaemic... And after googling it (I know, I know..!) I've got every symptom going so we'll see...

Did you lose a lot of blood after labour? X
Thanks for the replies re wind. Cole's full of fun this morning and happy as. He poos every day but never seems to finish a poo, if you know what I mean. He seems to do one poo over about three nappies some days. So wondering if he's also a bit backed up? Not constipated but maybe needing a good clear out. I need to take him to the doctors about a rash on his face so will mention it then.
Try a little brown sugar in warm water for the poos also peppermint in water is great for wind, it's very sugary so wouldn't use much xx
I had a piece of tissue pass when Ben was about 12 weeks after that had gone I stopped bleeding xx
Sarah pear is great for a "clear out"
Works great for Éabha...
Dunno if Jonathan's sister gave Éabha something she shouldn't have when she had her overnight but she came home n didn't poo til last night!!! Coincidence?? Maybe.. But maybe not.. Her kids are on a constant sugar high!!!
Anyway, pear for brekkie Monday and Tuesday and she's gave me 3 full nappies yesterday... :)
I'm having problems Jess started bleeding again was examined internal stitches very tender. Started abx swab done if bleeding no better tmz I've to go for a scan. Temp 38. Hopefully il be ok x