Back in hospital :-( due to bleeding having scan today just hope nothing problematic. Baby growth spurt yesterday and today on boob every 30 mins it's been torture but it won't last forever il survive I hope lol x
Thanks just waiting for scan now x
A bit of an update on Oliver- spoke to HV yesterday as Wednesday night we had a spectacular throwing up incident which involved a change of clothes for me and Oliver and a clean of the carpet in his nursery!! Anyway HV thinks it could be his colic drops that are making him sick. So she advised me to get him weighed so we could rule our reflux and at 13 weeks old he weighs 15lbs 12oz, following the 75th centile perfectly so no worries there! He's happy in himself etc so we stopped the drops and wow what a difference! The only problem we have now is he's taking a lot of milk. A LOT! He's having 5x 8oz bottles which is 40oz in 24 hoursHe is going through another leap but surely that wouldn't explain the hunger? Is there a growth spurt around 13 weeks? HV has said we will have to start weaning him at 17 weeks and maybe sooner as he's taking so much milk!
HV said def at 17 weeks and tbh I don't want to do it before and also it's only just over 3 weeks away so I can put up with the extra milk until then.Our Oliver would have a lot of milk, I wouldn't worry. I personally wouldn't wean before 17 months, but that's my view. Will he take water? Maybe that will fill him a tad. Glad he is happier though xx
HV said def at 17 weeks and tbh I don't want to do it before and also it's only just over 3 weeks away so I can put up with the extra milk until then. Yeh he does like his water and he is taking 1-2oz a day atm... He's happy and growing up too fast! X
He sounds just like my Oliver. I say just keep up the milk. He won't take more than he wants x
I've gotten used to feeding every 4-5 hours so back to 3 hours is a bit of a shock to the system lol!! Yeh I was wondering about hungry baby formula, am I correct in thinking that he wouldn't need it once I start weaning him tho? I may grab a tub and do a bottle or 2 a day and see if it helps..
Ok... I think I'll just have to put up with it and then start weaning at 17 weeks...Cole was always 3 hours and taking 6oz. He was on HB too. He's still on HB now, he's just reduced how much he has now he's on three proper meals.
Maybe it's an Oliver thing? LolOliver drank every 3 hours until recently. Thought that was fairly normal. Thinking about it, Oliver often had 8oz every 3 hours during the day. He was on HB but then told to come off it when his reflux was bad. Perhaps give HB a try but make sure you give water too x