Pregnancy and Baby Advice Thread: From Conception to Birth, and Beyond!

Hi girls .. Ruby will be five months in a weeks time and is still not rolling over .. I know all baby's develop at different rates and the health visitor did say not to worry they will check at 8 months but is there anything I can do to support her . I keep seeing mummy's with similar aged children posting pics of their little ones rolling over and shuffling around . Ruby will arch her back and head over to the side if she can see something she wants I.e her dummy but won't roll for it .
Also she is not really interested in picking up toys yet .. She can grasp things within reach I.e on her jumperoo she can play with the toys on her tray and she will bring her blanket / teddy to her face but not really showing any interest in picking things up .
She is very happy and content .. Maybe just a little lazy? Perhaps she spends a little too much time one lap lol!
What are your thoughts ?
Hi girls .. Ruby will be five months in a weeks time and is still not rolling over .. I know all baby's develop at different rates and the health visitor did say not to worry they will check at 8 months but is there anything I can do to support her . I keep seeing mummy's with similar aged children posting pics of their little ones rolling over and shuffling around . Ruby will arch her back and head over to the side if she can see something she wants I.e her dummy but won't roll for it .
Also she is not really interested in picking up toys yet .. She can grasp things within reach I.e on her jumperoo she can play with the toys on her tray and she will bring her blanket / teddy to her face but not really showing any interest in picking things up .
She is very happy and content .. Maybe just a little lazy? Perhaps she spends a little too much time one lap lol!
What are your thoughts ?

if HV said not to worry then I wouldn't... I know my niece developed at a much slower rate than her brothers... Which we then figured out was because she had everyone do everything for her so she didn't need to do it... And if we didn't do things, she'd cry... n then we'd do them for her... So she was just lazy (not in a bad way.. just that she didn't need to, so why would she kinda way)
Éabha spent allot of time on the floor playing on her own.. She enjoys her own space and it was good for me to be able get bits done... I also spent allot of time on the floor with her.. I'm not a horrible mammy that left her alone all day.. lol
Saying that.. Its only really in the last few weeks where she's really grabbing things and playing properly with things... before that she'd grip things but wouldn't have a strong enough grab to play properly...
I'd concentrate on giving her lots of tummy play time both with you down with her, and on her own...
I also place thing down a little too far for Éabha so she has to reach for them.. Not a big distance.. just barely out of reach and bring it a little further away each time.. She used to get a little frustrated when she couldn't reach but now she knows its playing and she giggles and reaches to grab my hand so I can't pull it further..
Obviously when she'd be frustrated we'd stop and I'd give her whatever it was to play with...
Its amazing how quickly they go from not being to do something.. to doing it with perfection... I honestly wouldn't worry at all :) xx
I wouldn't worry Ruby will do it in her own time. I can't keep Ben on his back anymore he much prefers to be on his tummy, but he can't sit well at all he is very wobbly and like you I was worried as others seem to bd doing it quicker!
I would say like Frances keep giving her plenty of time on the floor and I rolled Ben back and forwards. I also found if I lay him on the floor then sat behind him he'd try to roll do he was facing me if you know what I mean. Try not to worry they are all different xxx
I wouldn't worry they're all different :)
Thomas was almost doing it for a couple of weeks then all of a sudden did it then wouldn't stop. It's amazing how quick they can suddenly do something. I think when looking online they have a 2 month time line for doing things like 6-8 months etc so it must vary a lot xx
Thanks ladies I am trying to put her on her tummy more often rather than just in her jumperoo and also like you said practising rolling her from front to back .. Hopefully she will get it soon.
She is quite strong and I don't think she'll be far off sitting up so I guess she'll start rolling when she's ready.
It's so easy to worry when you see other babies doing things that yours aren't but she's such a happy baby and doing new things all the time so I'm sure she will get it .
thank you for your reassurance ! Xxx
Hi girls .. Ruby will be five months in a weeks time and is still not rolling over .. I know all baby's develop at different rates and the health visitor did say not to worry they will check at 8 months but is there anything I can do to support her . I keep seeing mummy's with similar aged children posting pics of their little ones rolling over and shuffling around . Ruby will arch her back and head over to the side if she can see something she wants I.e her dummy but won't roll for it . Also she is not really interested in picking up toys yet .. She can grasp things within reach I.e on her jumperoo she can play with the toys on her tray and she will bring her blanket / teddy to her face but not really showing any interest in picking things up . She is very happy and content .. Maybe just a little lazy? Perhaps she spends a little too much time one lap lol! What are your thoughts ?

Hi Sammie
I agree with the others don't worry, I've been there! Just checked in Abigail's red book and she could only roll front to back at 8 1/2 months and back to front at 9 1/2 so quite late really. And just because she could do it didn't mean that she did! She hated spending time on her tummy and although we tried it didn't seem to make much difference! She crawled at 10 1/2 and has only just starting wobbly walking though she is 14 months.
She does however have a lot of words already and can point to parts of her body when asked and throw a ball reasonably well so what I'm trying to say is that they all get there eventually and do different things at different times!
So yeah, don't worry. Just enjoy her! Xx
Yea Susie Aldi is my place to shop too.. Though I do have to go to Supervalu for her formula and Lidl for her nappies... Aldi nappies are grand, never had a problem with them but the Lidl ones have drylock so are much thinner and that makes me think more comfy on her... So its just "normal" greek yogurt?? Not a one directed mainly for kids?? Also.. When giving toast/sandwiches.. What butter do you use (if any)? I gave Éabha a tiny piece of my toast the other day n she loved it... it had "normal" (low fat hee hee) margarine on it which I don't want to be giving her... Sorry for all the Q's...

Yup, just the normal one. Brooklea Greek style it's called, the dark blue pot.
Re sandwiches etc we are a full fat butter household as I think personally think it's better for us than margarine after reading an article on it! Aparently it's only a few molecules away from plastic! Anyhow, that's a new development for us. We used to have low fat marg. We don't use a lot of it, just on her sandwiches (I don't eat them and Benn has salad cream) and if she has plain toast as others have said with jam, cream cheese, humous etc I just use that and no butter. When she was younger I did have unsalted but now I just use the normal stuff. We don't add salt to anything else and most of her food is homemade so she doesn't get any from anywhere else.
What where everyones first signs of labour? Did they start a few days before or did it all happen at once? Iv had a few shooting pains but nothing else ! X
What where everyones first signs of labour? Did they start a few days before or did it all happen at once? Iv had a few shooting pains but nothing else ! X

Mine started as period pain/achey lower back. I never lost my plug properly until I was in labour and even then not much. The pain then developed into more pain...but she was back to back and a monster! Xx
What where everyones first signs of labour? Did they start a few days before or did it all happen at once? Iv had a few shooting pains but nothing else ! X

I felt a bit odd going to bed (that's the only way I can describe it) woke at 2am for a wee and had a show - contractions started from then.

This was the Wednesday morning and I had Bella Sunday night so was quite a long process for me.

Are the shooting pains regular? X
My first signs of labour was really bad backache and not feeling 'right'- for me it started on the Sunday evening and I gave birth on Tuesday evening. Hope it is something, how exciting! Xx
Tink I had NO signs... I was grand going to bed.. read my book a while.. Got up to go pee before going to sleep n waters went.. But not a gush or not so it was obvious that they'd gone.. just felt warmer than a normal pee (sorry!!).. Then a few mins later another bit leaked but again was on the toilet so wasn't obvious so I put on a maternity pad and it soaked by time I got back to bed so I knew... Then within an hour I was full on proper contractions.. An hour after that I was in established labour.. And 5 hours after that I was holding my munchkin... So quite quick for me :)
I was having few tightenings/Braxton hicks for a few days. Then woke in labour early hours!
Tink I had NO signs... I was grand going to bed.. read my book a while.. Got up to go pee before going to sleep n waters went.. But not a gush or not so it was obvious that they'd gone.. just felt warmer than a normal pee (sorry!!).. Then a few mins later another bit leaked but again was on the toilet so wasn't obvious so I put on a maternity pad and it soaked by time I got back to bed so I knew... Then within an hour I was full on proper contractions.. An hour after that I was in established labour.. And 5 hours after that I was holding my munchkin... So quite quick for me :)

The perfect labour lol :) so jealous lol xx

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I'm ordering this labour for my next! Xx
Tink I had NO signs... I was grand going to bed.. read my book a while.. Got up to go pee before going to sleep n waters went.. But not a gush or not so it was obvious that they'd gone.. just felt warmer than a normal pee (sorry!!).. Then a few mins later another bit leaked but again was on the toilet so wasn't obvious so I put on a maternity pad and it soaked by time I got back to bed so I knew... Then within an hour I was full on proper contractions.. An hour after that I was in established labour.. And 5 hours after that I was holding my munchkin... So quite quick for me :)[/QUOT

Il have this one ha ha

Thanks for your replies guess il just have to wait and see no one seems to be the same. Hurry up baba ha ha x
Just to update everyone...
HV has said to start Oliver on baby rice and see what happens...
She's warned me that not many babies like it!
I'm so scared... :-/