Tink I had NO signs... I was grand going to bed.. read my book a while.. Got up to go pee before going to sleep n waters went.. But not a gush or not so it was obvious that they'd gone.. just felt warmer than a normal pee (sorry!!).. Then a few mins later another bit leaked but again was on the toilet so wasn't obvious so I put on a maternity pad and it soaked by time I got back to bed so I knew... Then within an hour I was full on proper contractions.. An hour after that I was in established labour.. And 5 hours after that I was holding my munchkin... So quite quick for me
Il have this one ha ha
Thanks for your replies guess il just have to wait and see no one seems to be the same. Hurry up baba ha ha x
Ha ha... Certainly made wanting number 2 sooner allot easier..
Me too!! Wouldn't mind your pregnancy too, Frances
Yes Sarah.. I really did get away very easy with my whole pregnancy.. I had a little SPD but that really only affected me with the Christmas shopping as I did allot of trawling through the shops.. Other than that I got away scot free...
I think we've also got away pretty lightly with the baby we got... Apart from a few bad night she's slept thru pretty much from the get go...
I bet our next baby will be a terror to make up for how good Éabha is.. lol
Just to update everyone...
HV has said to start Oliver on baby rice and see what happens...
She's warned me that not many babies like it!
I'm so scared... :-/
I never gave Éabha baby rice.. I started her on Sunshine Orange as recommended by my friend and PHN.. It has a bit of a better taste to it
Good luck
I don't think anyone likes it lol
Disposable and wipeable bibs are a must Katie, took me a while and a new stain remover to realise this lol my next purchase might be one with sleeves!
We got the wipeable bibs with sleeves in Ikea the weekend.. She has one for Nana's house, and one for home.. Best investment ever!! And only something like €3 for the 2!!