Finally Pregnant!!
I wouldn't give calpol or nurofen unless he has a temp or seems in pain...I'm full of cold... And now so is my little man
Now that's he old enough to have everything going pain relief wise (he's almost 4 months) what do you ladies recommend?
I have Calpol and Nurofen here, he's got a slight cough and a really runny nose and sounds all bunged up (just like his mummy) xx
As Sarah says snuffle babe either on a cloth nearby or in warm water in the room he's in most..
I've woke up today absolutely smothering.. Throat has been aching for days but seems much better today..
Was at the chemist just now asking for a prebiotic to give Éabha in the hope of building her immune system so she doesn't catch it but was told there's nothing she can take til she's about 2
So will just have to keep kisses n cuddles to myself for a while n hope she doesn't catch it...
Though her cousin had it n was with her last week.. Then her granddad had it.. now me.. So I reckon its inevitable she'll get it.. Just hoping if she does its a mild dose.. poor baba
Hope you're both feeling better xx