Back again!!
Quick pushchair question ladies....when/if you have a second, what are you thinking of doing pushchair wise, can yours convert? We've got an icandy peach which we got second hand. I love it and would be loath to give it up/sell it. It's a peach 1 so the converter kit is hard to come by as they now do a peach 2 and 3. We can upgrade but to buy the new upgrade kit and converter suitable for a baby would likely cost about £400 new. So we could buy a new double for that price. We might be able to get a second hand set but it's not guaranteed and eBay is almost as expensive as new! Especially as ours is black jack colour and that's now discontinued.... we sell it now? Or leave it until we need a new one? But then it will be even more out of date and might not get as much for it? Or buy a converter now?
We've got a Silvercross Linear Freeway so it doesn't convert. Think when we have a second we'll still use it and get a buggy board thingy for Cole to stand on. We've got a double pushchair at my dads that me and Lindsay bought to leave there for when we're both back at work so if I need it I'll borrow that. Zac is three now and hasn't wanted to be in his pushchair since Christmas so Lindsay got a buggy board for her pram. I'm not up on all this converting stuff as it never entered my head that we might need a double one day.