Pregnancy and Baby Advice Thread: From Conception to Birth, and Beyond!

It's not part of mortgage application. Without life insurance you won't get a mortgage. We are also getting critical illness cover but that's not compulsory.

We spoke about doing a will and had written down who would look after oliver and signed it on paper but we never got round to actually doing the will. Now we are using solicitors for house they asked if we wanted to do will so we took up the opportunity. Horrible thought but best to get it done, just in case x
We have life insurance and critical illness/unemployment insurance. I made a will before I met Tom after my divorce so my ex couldn't try to claim anything. My will currently stands that my dad and sister get 50% each of the house and my life insurance. If anything happens to me while I work for the police Tom gets a payout plus all my pension. My Dad and Lindsay both know that, if anything happens to me, my life insurance pays the mortgage, the house is put straight into Cole's name but Tom can live there indefinitely and Tom gets any leftover money from my life insurance.

Once I'm back at work and getting paid again we're going to make a joint will that says if one of us dies our life insurance pays the mortgage and the house goes straight into Cole's name then any money is for me/Tom to live on. Even though the house is in my name if anything happens to Tom I'll pay the mortgage off with his life insurance then put the house in Cole's name so if I ever meet anyone else they have no claim to it over Cole. We won't tell Cole the house is in his name, we'll put a clause in saying he can only claim it once we have both died, but it protects it for him. It's complicated because technically it's my house (I've had it 10 years) but Tom pays half of everything and isn't bothered about his name on the mortgage as we're both agreed it's Cole's (and any subsequent children's) house.
Also, we've not got anything in place as to who has Cole but, until we've made our joint will, it's common knowledge he'd go to my dad and jan if anything happened to both of us as Lindsay lives next door to them so they'd all raise him together.
We've mortgage protection insurance but no life/illness insurance n no will

Sarah over here Tom would b legally entitled to half ur house after 7 years of living there shud u spilt. At least that's how it used to be
We've mortgage protection insurance but no life/illness insurance n no will Sarah over here Tom would b legally entitled to half ur house after 7 years of living there shud u spilt. At least that's how it used to be

Yeah I think it is here too but I mean if I die. If we split up we've already got a plan in place with us having Cole etc. It just needs to be done legally and signed which will be done when we make our wills. If I die then Tom can live in the house until he dies too, it's called a life benefit I think. But then once he dies it's Cole's. We've both said if we met another partner then we wouldn't want them to have a claim on the house so as soon as one of us did die it would go straight in Cole's name. Even if it was Tom who died I'd pay the mortgage (which is solely in my name) and put the house straight into Cole's name to protect it for him but with a clause saying I live here until I die. And he won't know it's in his name until I do die, if he turns into a delinquent I don't want killing in my sleep so he gets the house ;) haha
I think it's a good idea Sarah. My friends mum died when she was about 15 and she left her half of the house. However her dad moved another lady in within 6 months and they are still there now and refuse to sell. Her dad has now left his half to the new lady so it looks like she will never get her inheritance it's been 20 years now! Xx
I think it's a good idea Sarah. My friends mum died when she was about 15 and she left her half of the house. However her dad moved another lady in within 6 months and they are still there now and refuse to sell. Her dad has now left his half to the new lady so it looks like she will never get her inheritance it's been 20 years now! Xx

That's what I don't want. We've both agreed that the house is for Cole and any other children we have. My dad has the same problem. His house was his and my mums. He bought my mum out and when he met my step mum had about 4 years left on the mortgage. But she was a single parent and my step brother was only 4 so she was living in a council house and not working. She moved in with my us when I was about 18. As my dad is disabled he is happy to support her on his pension for her to stay at home with him but if anything happens to him she would be homeless as he sees the house as mine and Lindsay's. So basically his will states she can live in it until she does but it's left to me and Lindsay. It also says she has to maintain the house as long as she lives there but if she meets someone else she has to move out. It's hard where houses are concerned xx
We got a will put in place when I got my accident claim though. If I was to die everything goes to Rob but the other properties go to jacob and Connor(which I need to update and add him onto it) then also if something happens to both of us we put down whom we would like to bring our boys up. Hardest thing to do but it's more scary not having one in place! Xx
Any one recommend any toys for Brooke? Shes nearly 7 weeks and seems to need entertaining a bit more. Shes got a play gym that shel use for half hour in the morning, other then that just a few rattle teddies and black and white books. She likes looking at the ceiling light so was thinking of a light mobile of some sort to use in the evenings? X
Any one recommend any toys for Brooke? Shes nearly 7 weeks and seems to need entertaining a bit more. Shes got a play gym that shel use for half hour in the morning, other then that just a few rattle teddies and black and white books. She likes looking at the ceiling light so was thinking of a light mobile of some sort to use in the evenings? X

That sounds nice! We had a Lamaze giraffe which she liked. His feet each did different things/made different sounds and he rattled. X
We've got that too Susie, anything that scrunched and crinkles and anything thatcan be chewed are winners here. Xx
Emily is 12 weeks tomorrow and for the first time ever shes waking on the night for 2 feeds. She os havin 8 6oz bottles a day...the hv says this is ok fpr the tome bei!! That really helps!!!!
She's probably going through a growth spurt. Ben had bottles every 3 hours including the night from 12- 20 weeks it was a killer but what he needed I think we ended up on 8x 8 oz xx
Girls- any recommendations on a decent walker?

MIL wants Xmas present ideas :) x
Girls- any recommendations on a decent walker?

MIL wants Xmas present ideas :) x
Any with a little activity thing on... Éabha's is a fisher price n has a little car type thing to play with.. It also comes off so she has a little snack tray which is handy (for her to destroy the whole house with her crumbs!!!!)
Emily is 12 weeks tomorrow and for the first time ever shes waking on the night for 2 feeds. She os havin 8 6oz bottles a day...the hv says this is ok fpr the tome bei!! That really helps!!!!
Do you give her a dream feed??? Can you up her bedtime feed by an oz??
Happy Halloween girls from my little pumpkin


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Susie & Katie, as one of you is a MW and one a GP, I was wondering if you could help pls xxx

I felt really sick all day yesterday and put it down to pregnancy, until about 4pm when my lunch came back up. I felt achey, and just really ill so I didnt think it was a morning sickness type thing. I'm then vomiting every 20-30 minutes until around midnight, not being able to keep food or water down and it was pretty bad the other end too. In the night I felt really crap: lightheaded and dizzy, severe tummy cramps, raised temp of 37.8 (usually im low 36's) and my whole body, particularly lower tummy and legs absolutely kills. Vomited again about 4:30am and then from about 5:30am - 7:30am got some sleep.

Now, I dont feel so sick, but still my lower tummy, back and legs really hurt. Is this just a bug? or could it be signs of an ectopic pregnancy? (im just over 7 weeks) if its a bug, will it have done any damage to the baby? The vomiting was so violent :( x I do have a doc appt at 5pm today, but was wondering what your thoughts were xx thank you ladies xxx
oh and I was very sweaty/shivery all night xxx