Pregnancy and Baby Advice Thread: From Conception to Birth, and Beyond!

That's what I thought too, thanks :) he's gone back to sleep now so doesn't need it at the minute x
In my sains today lots of books were reduced. Got these 3 that's not my books to £3


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In my sains today lots of books were reduced. Got these 3 that's not my books to £3
Oh that's good- Oliver has already got the dog one and another that I can't remember and I'm popping to Sainsburys tomorrow so I'll have a little look x
Susie can I ask a question please? Wondering if you will know the answer to this...

Just read through my scan notes, and next to "ultrasound view" it says "view restricted by PBMI"...

Not entirely sure what it means, but Im assuming its to do with BMI? And the sonographer is saying view was restricted because of it? :(
If thats the case I feel a bit upset. She never said view was restricted, saw everything she needed to, scan pic was clear etc. The only issue we had was baby was awkward and was in the wrong position so I had to empty bladder to see if it helped (which it did).

I was a stone heavier with Amelia and view was normal. :( x I feel a bit huge anyway as I honestly look about 6 months pregnant! (not complaining I promise, so happy to be pregnant!) x

Would you mind telling me what it.means pretty please xxx
Just googled it :(

It means "percentage of body mass index"

Bit gutted that weight is getting in the way again, and I tried so hard to get it down.

Oh well, baby is ok thats the main thing xx
I honestly think sonographers put this when they are not very good!
My bMI is really high and when I went for USS because of abnormal liver tests she wrote poor views due to body habitus. I had to go back and a different sonographers said I don't know how my colleague missed these gallstones!!

However in their defence even though you weigh less you are probably carrying a bit more abdominal fat because you've had 2 pregnancies very close together.

You've got a healthy bubba in there don't let it upset you xx
Yeah what Katie said tbh. Try not to let it worry you. As you say, you're lighter than with Amelia and she maybe wasn't very good. I weighed more than you with Abigail and no one said anything to me/wrote anything. Next time I will be less but my tummy is def wobblier and bigger so they may struggle. Don't let it stress you. Baby g is ok as you say. If it's a different person next time, ask them. Can they see ok? Is anything causing a problem? And explain why. You might get a sonographers viewpoint on it which will at least explain why she's put what she has. Hugs. Don't worry x
I need some advice- Oliver has got a rash on his cheeks, assumed it was teething related but I'm not so sure.
Any thoughts?

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Has he got a temperature? Is he well in himself? It looks a little like Parvovirus but hard to say without seeing him in person, x
Has he got a temperature? Is he well in himself? It looks a little like Parvovirus but hard to say without seeing him in person, x

He's absolutely fine in himself- full of beans, currently being a nuisance!
No temp, eating fine, nappies are fine.
He does sleep on his front sometimes so gets red cheeks from that but this looks more like a rash x

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It probably is just teeth then, glad he's not poorly. If it looks dry you could put some aqueous cream on x

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It probably is just teeth then, glad he's not poorly. If it looks dry you could put some aqueous cream on x

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I've got E45 cream as I use it for my dry skin, can I use that on Oliver?
There is a history of psoriasis in the family so thought it may be something related to that?? X
Yes try some E45, it's unusual to get psoriasis on the face but he could have sensitive skin x

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Yes try some E45, it's unusual to get psoriasis on the face but he could have sensitive skin x

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I've used some and it does seen to have calmed it down a little.
My nan has it all over her face and body and I have mild psoriasis in my scalp.
Paul has sensitive skin too so it's more than likely Oliver has got sensitive skin too.
Thanks xx

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I've used some and it does seen to have calmed it down a little.
My nan has it all over her face and body and I have mild psoriasis in my scalp.
Paul has sensitive skin too so it's more than likely Oliver has got sensitive skin too.
Thanks xx

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Oliver gets like that too. In his case it's eczema. We use aveeno cream on his face. E45 made him worse sadly. You may wish to not use anything in his bath or if you do maybe e45 bath stuff or we use aveeno bath oil. Hope it clears soon x

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Can I ask about heartburn ladies? I think it's starting and I'm only just shy of 15 weeks :( what remedies did/do you prefer x
Can I ask about heartburn ladies? I think it's starting and I'm only just shy of 15 weeks :( what remedies did/do you prefer x
Ranitidine worked very well for me, you can buy it over the counter... All I got told by the pharmacist in Tesco was to nit take it as often as the packet states, just in case.
Gaviscon, Rennie's etc didn't work for me but everyone is different and it prob depends on how bad it is- I suffered from 6 weeks until the end, as well as severe morning sickness :( don't miss it at all, yet I'd love to be pregnant again!!
I had dreadful heartburn from 7 weeks. It got so bad that I ended up with 150mg ranitidine twice a day (on prescription) as otherwise I couldn't eat anything. I also had gaviscon tablets as a just in case but didn't often need them.
There will be things that make it worse, you need to watch out for them and avoid like the plague! It's a bit different for everyone but the main culprits are spicy food, chocolate, tea/coffee, citrus fruits/juices, oily/fried food.
For me it was tea initially and I'm a real tea belly. I just went off it completely from 7 weeks. I ended up only being able to drink cold water. Squash, juice, pop only made it worse. Didn't have curry at all either.
Listen to your body and if it's telling you not to eat it don't bother. Even if it's 'good' for you, if it makes you ill it's not xx
Don't be afraid to go to the gp either, mine was really good x