Kerry's pregnancy diary
Regarding meat, I've given him pork, mince, sausages, ham and chicken but have blended it up... The pork was slow cooked so it was in that fallen apart state anyway, the sausages I take the skin off and mash it, usually with mashed potato and peas!
Ham- he's had as it is, loved playing with it!! Did eat some but preferred throwing it on the floor for my 2 very happy dogs!
Fish I've mashed it up too... Mince is pretty much mashed up anyway but he wasn't overly keen on it...
As she has teeth, worth trying her with meats and fish whole so to speak, as she can chew them up...
I'd try mashed up first, if she likes, try in whole form.
I think with most things, you just have to do what you're comfortable with and what she likes...
It's fun watching Oliver with foodx
It makes it all the more exciting knowing she can have a lot more variety of food