I keep getting pain down my left hip and leg to the point where I can't move or stand. Been having it since about 6 weeks but seems to be getting worse :-( did anyone have this when pregnant? X
Thanks everyone, hope it doesn't last!
Just went to check on Thomas and he feels clammy and sweaty. His skin and head feel cold but when I checked his chest it's quite hot and sweaty. The back of his hair is wet too. Any ideas?
He's been fine in himself although a bit hard to put down tonight. Wondering if it's just the aftermath of his not being well and chesty cough?! Just got a tiny bit of a cough left now.
Thanks think I was being a night time worrier lol
Think it was as he's only coughed about once today and so glad his appetite is back! X
Girls Éabha has a really red almost blistered bum. Been like it a good week now n just can't clear it. Have used Vaseline. Sudocreme. Bepantham. Metanium. Nappy off time. Caldesene spray. Nothing's clearing it. Any tips??
Oliver had this when he was younger. We use the yellow metanium. However if that doesn't do the job take her to the dr. It could be that it is infected (as Oliver's was). She will need antibiotic cream. Caneston (as you would get for thrush) may also help. Keep her out of nappy as much as possible. Don't use wipes. Make sure she is dry well. Poor bubba xx
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Happy new year!
Quick question if you bought a travel system should you get two rain covers one for the pram and one for the buggy? X
Happy new year!
Quick question if you bought a travel system should you get two rain covers one for the pram and one for the buggy? X
I just got one rain cover. Does both
Homecooked/made baby meals will always top commercial baby food, right?
Just like non-baby grownup meal, yes?
Homecooked/made baby meals will always top commercial baby food, right? Just like non-baby grownup meal, yes?