Finally Pregnant!!
Better safe than sorry though
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Thanks girls. Home n ready for bed. Actually home a while.Definitely good that you spoke to them then, it's always worth getting things checked out xxx
They done a trace in baby n the alarm went off. Twice!!! Nearly pee'd myself with fright as her HB went from 130 to 170 n seconds.... Eventually nurse came back in, checked the monitor n said all was fine. I told her about the alarms (assumed she hadn't heard as she never came in) n she knew about it n said it was just baby jumping about. Mad! Coz I didn't feel any of it!!!
They took blood. Done a quicky scan to check fluid around baby. N have to go back tomoro to get the anti d injection.
Doc checked baby's position n she's low down. But very low but working her way nicely (or so am told!!)
I'd personally wait til second tri. Just in case. But u can only hav luke warm baths xxWhen did people start getting baths again rather than showers ?do I have to wait till I'm past 12 weeks x