Pregnancy and Baby Advice Thread: From Conception to Birth, and Beyond!

Ive just written a long post but deleted it. I just feel so **** right now :( x Ignore me, im probably being really really stupid x

If something's upsetting you it's not stupid Hun. If there's anything we can help you with or you just want to get it off your chest we're here xxx
How many people had an anterior placenta when did you feel movements ? I have not ft anything I saw baby kicking me on screen and I couldn't feel a thing. Midwife says if I can't feel anything by 24 weeks to go get checked :-/

I felt a kick before 20 weeks but it was a one off. I think just after 20 weeks maybe. I couldn't feel the kicks on my scan either and he was having a right wriggle about x
I'm 20 +2 and I haven't felt anything ah dear now I will stress till I feel something. I've googled and people seem to say they felt as early as 18 weeks so it's not helping with the worry, :-(
I didn't feel anything until 23 weeks (I don't have an anterior placenta) and my bambino is fine so try not to worry x
Yes best to avoid google and just wait and see cross the other bridges if I come to them. Thanks for letting me know that Dougal xx
Yes best to avoid google and just wait and see cross the other bridges if I come to them. Thanks for letting me know that Dougal xx
Lol yes avoid google, it'll become your worst enemy!!!

No worries, I remember feeling like you esp as a friend who is due 3 days AFTER me felt kicking at 17 weeks!! X
Slimming girl I hadn't got an anterior placenta and didn't feel definite kicks/movements til quite late.. Felt my first kick at 15 weeks but then nothing til maybe 20-22 weeks... Please dont worry...

OK I seem to be in a minority on the p**n thing but if he was watching that, I would feel it was because I wasn't enough for him.. Or he needed to visualise that in order to have sex with me.. Maybe its my insecurities I dunno.. But I do know I wouldn't be happy and I wouldn't just carry on regardless...
More importantly after me telling him how it made me feel, and him watching it anyway..... what does it say for how much (little) he thinks of me?!
Your not on your own frances xxx

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I don't mind it but if it makes you feel upset or uncomfortable and your men know that then I can see why you'd be upset if they did it. They should respect how you feel xx
The way I look at it is- if he's going to get 'relief' somewhere I'd rather it was at home on the PC than with another woman.
But I wouldn't tolerate it when I'm in the house.
And as we virtually haven't DTD since I got my BFP (mainly due to me being so ill), I can't blame me him for looking, he's a man after all. He has needs x

Jess I feel the same as Dougal and Sarah, is it bothering you hun?
I guess I wild prefer him not to if I had the choice but his sex drive is higher than mine and I don't see it as cheating IMO xx
Just had a quick sort out of baby's clothes, putting them in size order and I have no newborn!!
I've got a ton of 6-9 months (new year sales, ready for this winter lol) and a few 3-6 but mostly 0-3!
Looks like I need to go shopping ;)
Thanks girls x i really really appreciate all of your comments x its interesting to read lots of different opinions on it xx

I guess my self-esteem is through the floor - he doesnt always help that either (I wont go into it at the mo). There have been the odd comment, 1 of them whilst I was pregnant which in all honesty broke my heart. Ive forgiven him for it, but unable to forget. Theres a few factors as to why Im upset about it - if these werent there i know i wouldnt have a problem as Im pretty open minded when it comes to sex and I wouldnt say "anything goes" when it comes to our relationship, but we are quite relaxed and open with most things...BUT the issues ARE there, which makes the whole porn thing a problem for me when maybe it wouldnt be if the situation were different. I know that probably doesnt make much sense without explaining exactly what these issues are.

Lets just say there are issues around confidence and self-esteem, hubby doesnt always help that, because of that anything like porn leaves me feeling very hurt and confused (like Frances said - why am I not enough etc etc) xxx

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I don't mind it but if it makes you feel upset or uncomfortable and your men know that then I can see why you'd be upset if they did it. They should respect how you feel xx

Agreed xx
Jess if your feeling like that you really need to sit down with hubby and tell him exactly how you feel do not let him leave until you have got everything out xx
Perfect excuse for shopping ;) x

I've just remembered I have a £60 gift card from H&M to spend, looks like I'll be going in there tomorrow ;)
Jess it's only ok for the men to watch it if your ok with it. If it makes you feel crap n knocks your confidence coupled with comments then it is not ok! You need to sit down n have a heart to heart with him and explain how it makes you feel. Lots of hugs xxx