Pregnancy and Baby Advice Thread: From Conception to Birth, and Beyond!

Ladies... I meant ironed recently about Eabha chomping her soother, dribbling loads, little white bumps in her gums etc... N now she's started biting in the bubble on her soother n not letting me put it in her mouth fully... She doesn't really have rosey cheeks r messy nappies (more than usual)... Do u think she may b starting to teeth??

I asked HV this yesterday and was told definitely no. Apparently not til nearer 6 months. HV said it was where Oliver is discovering his mouth and therefore putting everything in there to determine different textures
Oh gawd, probably TMI coming up regarding the question Jess posed about the P **N issue. I never liked it and never liked the fact that the OH watched it. Tried a couple of times to watch it together to spice things up a bit but it didn't work for me and made me feel pretty dirty and rotten to be honest. I used to get angry that women would allow themselves to be used in this way in the making of these films. Towards the end of my marriage I saw it as an advantage as in if he was watching it then he would leave me alone as the thought of having s*x with him made my skin crawl lol. If men watch too much of it then I think it can harm the way they think about women and they become less respectful etc etc. Let's face it, with the increase in this kind of thing and it being readily available, abuse of women and sexual crimes against women seems to have increased...or maybe it is all just better reported now. One thing that disturbs me is that a lot of younger males who have committed crimes like these were watching p**n at a young age and it influenced them as to how they saw women and how to treat women. At the end of the day if it suits the couple then fine.........if not then it is not fine. Hope I don't sound like some old fuddy duddy :D
Jess it doesn't really bother me like some the others have said, but agree with them that if it was all the time etc then wouldn't be impressed. I know He used to watch it more before we got together, as far as I know he hardly watches it now, if ever. For me, like some of the others have said, they have needs and we can't always fulfil them especially when pregnant or having just had a baby! And for me in particular, having had the problems I have if it meant he was satisfied without going elsewhere (not that I ever think he would and if he did it would be over, after I had chopped his bits off) then it was fine by me. Like Sarah said, look but don't touch!
I think a lot of us would understand where the self esteem issues are, notwithstanding having had a baby, I think most women who wish to lose weight, however gorgeous they are (and you are, believe me!) would feel similar to you.
The thing I would ask is, has he always done it? If he has, has it bothered you before or is it since Amelia arrived? Or have you only just found out?
It's obviously bothering you and I think you need to sit and have a chat about it.
And you're def not being silly. Look at it differently...what if it was the other way round and you were looking at it? And he came to you and said it was bothering him and he was upset by it? I'm sure you would react with compassion and take into account his views.
Lots of love xxx
Oh gawd, probably TMI coming up regarding the question Jess posed about the P **N issue. I never liked it and never liked the fact that the OH watched it. Tried a couple of times to watch it together to spice things up a bit but it didn't work for me and made me feel pretty dirty and rotten to be honest. I used to get angry that women would allow themselves to be used in this way in the making of these films. Towards the end of my marriage I saw it as an advantage as in if he was watching it then he would leave me alone as the thought of having s*x with him made my skin crawl lol. If men watch too much of it then I think it can harm the way they think about women and they become less respectful etc etc. Let's face it, with the increase in this kind of thing and it being readily available, abuse of women and sexual crimes against women seems to have increased...or maybe it is all just better reported now. One thing that disturbs me is that a lot of younger males who have committed crimes like these were watching p**n at a young age and it influenced them as to how they saw women and how to treat women. At the end of the day if it suits the couple then fine.........if not then it is not fine. Hope I don't sound like some old fuddy duddy :D

You're not a fuddy duddy. As usual you're spot on x
Jess, firstly huge hugs xxx Secondly, I had an issue recently (it's on my diary, probably about a month back) with my husband and some stuff that I found on his phone when I borrowed it (he'd left it open on safari so I wasn't snooping I might add!). Now I don't have a problem with porn and I know that looking is just looking and he doesn't love any woman but me. So I'm very secure in my relationship with him. The reason finding out he'd been looking upset me was a) that he didn't tell me and b) that I felt guilty that he felt the need to look. He's always had a higher sex drive than me and we've not done anything since I was about 25 weeks pregnant so I know the man has needs! He's told me over and over that he doesn't want to rush me and that our sex life will get back on track when I'm ready. So to find out that he'd been looking really upset me. We talked about it and sorted things out in the end and I've certainly not demanded that he stop but I just want honesty. Which he agreed with, he didn't tell me with the best of intentions: he didn't want me to feel pressured or upset.

Does he know how you feel about it? You definitely need to have a discussion. I can understand the self esteem thing totally, mine is pretty shot since Seth was born. I'm still 2 stone heavier than I was a year ago, I have a horrible, misshapen tummy from the c section and my body isn't really mine anymore what with bf and everything. I feel pretty crap about myself tbh!

I guess what I'm saying with all this rambling is that I think a lot of us feel this way after having a baby. You do lose a tiny bit of yourself and whilst it's worth it for all that you gain it's tricky to get used to. Having a baby is also hard on a relationship, no matter how strong you are. You and him need to set things straight, if he's not helping he needs to know that so you can make a start on feeling better about yourself xxx
Back from midwife and alls well :D
Measuring a week ahead of dates and head is down (which I'd already guessed from the pressure!), baby is back to back tho so got to work on sitting forward more to get baby in better position.
Back in 2 weeks :)
I'm 20 +2 and I haven't felt anything ah dear now I will stress till I feel something. I've googled and people seem to say they felt as early as 18 weeks so it's not helping with the worry, :-(

I had anterior placenta and hardly ever felt anything so don't panic. Still really early on xx
I had anterior placenta and hardly ever felt anything so don't panic. Still really early on xx

Me too, I did feel quite a lot towards the end but I felt nothing until about 21/22 weeks! Don't panic xxx
I don't get the whole "he has needs" thing...
So do we... But we go without n don't resort to that... Personally I think it's a cop out...
But that just my opinion on it... As that is urs... Am just saying :)

Big hugs to u Jess. This is a particularly sensitive time for us all so it will (I'd imagine) seem worse ATM
U have my number tho if u need to get it off ur chest to an "outsider" xxxxx
I don't get the whole "he has needs" thing... So do we... But we go without n don't resort to that... Personally I think it's a cop out... But that just my opinion on it... As that is urs... Am just saying :) Big hugs to u Jess. This is a particularly sensitive time for us all so it will (I'd imagine) seem worse ATM U have my number tho if u need to get it off ur chest to an "outsider" xxxxx

I don't see a problem with women looking either though. Plenty of women have toys (rampant rabbits etc) or just like to look and I don't really see that as any different. I'm sure some blokes could take that badly if they felt insecure in their relationship. Personally I don't have a high sex drive, hence me saying he has needs cos I don't have them really in that way!

I totally agree though, it probably does feel a lot worse now than it would normally, we've all been through a massive change in our lives and there's an awful lot going on. xxx
Dougal h&m baby clothes are fab!! So cheap n made from Eco friendly materials n wash great!! I found them great fitting too. As Eabha was small allot if newborn stuff was too big in her
I've had a look on the website and wow! I can get so much for £60!!! I know where I'm going tomorrow :D
I've just bathed Eva and on drying her I noticed that her cord site was bleeding it fell off last Thursday, do you think we need to get it looked at? X
I've just bathed Eva and on drying her I noticed that her cord site was bleeding it fell off last Thursday, do you think we need to get it looked at? X

How old is she? It can still ooze for a while as it's a big wound in the grand scheme of things.
I would open it up and clean it well with boiled water and cotton wool, dry it well with kitchen roll (non fluffy) and do it a a few times a day. If it's no better in a few days/smells/goes a funny 'dusky' colour around it get it looked at xx
How old is she? It can still ooze for a while as it's a big wound in the grand scheme of things. I would open it up and clean it well with boiled water and cotton wool, dry it well with kitchen roll (non fluffy) and do it a a few times a day. If it's no better in a few days/smells/goes a funny 'dusky' colour around it get it looked at xx

Thanks Susie, She's only 11 days old. I'll bathe it and keep an eye on it xx