aww looks like its sucking its thumb! xx
Rosie congratulations can't wait to see some pics and such a lovely name as well, hope you're ok x
Grumble fantastic scan pic looks like baby is waving lol!
OMG pain is getting worse, every time i get up off my chair i'm bent double boo hoo, boss said i could go home but like i said i'm fine sat down, will have to get the men to fetch me water instead lol, can't wait to ring MW 2m, somethings clearly not right!
Determined not to let it get me down!! I WILL enjoy this pregnancy! lol xx
Morning Ladies
Well yesterday didnt go quite to plan as we ended up having dinner out due to having to drive to Plymouth to pick up some engine type thing for OH - I had only had 4 1/2 syns until then, im going to over estimate and say i had 25 syns in total for the day as would rather be over than under.
This is my first time using EE, i have always been a red day girl but think i need more carbs at the mo so going to try and stick to it - one question though, does anyone allow themselves extra milk to top up their calcium intake as just having one 'A' choice doesnt seem enough??
Syns left for week: 80
EE Day:
Brekkie: Mushroom, scrambled egg, bacon. Tea with splash milk and little bit of sugar 1 syn
Lunch: Beans on toast, big bowl fruit
Dinner: Pasta with roasted veg, chicken and bacon, parmesan on top (hex a)
Will update syns in the morn x