Afternoon ladies, welcome Kimbers, still feeling a bit down today, I didn't realize I hadn't told you what my dad said, think I was having trouble believing any parent would actually say that to their child. His exact words were "Oh just like your mother then, didn't you consider having an abortion". It's not like I have a whole hoard of kids, this may be my 6th pregnancy but I only have 2 kids. I have had 2 miscarriages and lost my 2nd little one when he was three months old. My mum has 10 kids altogether and comparing me to her is a low blow regardless, I have spent my whole life trying to be the polar opposite of her. We have never had a great relationship, highlights *sarcasm* include her beating me up and kicking me out at 16 because I had a boyfriend and stopped giving her my entire wage packet each week, causing a fight and giving me a lovely black eye and scratches down my face and chest at my babies funeral, refusing to come to my wedding and trying to hit my great grandmother (who was 76 at the time). I went to weigh in last night and put on 0.5lb I don't think it would have bothered me if I hadn't already been feeling really depressed. Didn't really want to stay but kind of felt guilty that Nan had made me get a taxi there because of the pouring rain and felt like I would have wasted the £4 on it if I just left. I also don't think I have mentioned here that Nan is currently in hospital and has been there 6 weeks with no sign of coming home yet. Really struggling to hold it all together at the moment, sorry for rambling, guess I just didn't know what else to do, usually talk to Nan but don't want to worry her. Hugs Crystal xx