Hi all
Well ended up at hospital last night! Had felt quite ill all day but dragged myself to work for my last night shift, long story short ended up in floods of tears cos i felt so crap then started getting stomach cramps and huge headache, my boss was fab and wouldn't let me drive home and got my OH to pick me up, decided to go straight to maternity and get checked out (rather than being fobbed off over the phone!). They checked my urine and blood pressure, both fine. Also had a feel of my tummy whcih also fine. Doc came took some bloods to check iron level and had a chat. Basically said poss ligament pains and may be related to the PGP, headache due to stress. Was given codine and sent on my way.Had to listen to 2 sets of baby heartbeats either side of me, but its too early to hear mine yet! BTH codine is amazing lol felt quite spaced out, pain went quickly and had a fab nights sleep! Today been upset a lot and slept a lot again this afternoon. my hormones are up the wall bg time, think its stress as well!
Got my scan on Mon so will finally put my mind at rest that all is well with baby!
Boooooo over the extra HE's , they need to update their website then cos extra easy is over a year old!
Sarah, i sometimes wonder if these people know what they are talking about when they tell you oh its this pain or that pain! Paracetamol doesn't really work either.Was told last night you can take co-codamol but not all the time as baby can get hooked! lol. does it hurt when you get up out of a chair or roll over in bed?