Hi all
Woohoo the picture worked yay!!!!! Will post a bump pic asap
Had a great nights sleep for the first time in ages , the whole sleeping on my side was not helping the pgp even with pillows between my legs! took to sleeping half on my belly half on my side in the recovery position sort of lol. Anyway it worked so hoping it will continue to do so, feel so much better for a bit more sleep!
The physio did say that you can still sleep on your belly by putting a pillow at top and bottom of bump so gonna try that next!
Well i was doing so well with sw until today!........woke up starving so had a huge bowl of cereal (28g x 5 probably lol) now at work and was starting to feel funny so had not 1 bag crisps but 2 (since the 2nd bag was free, was hanging from vending machine lol)nope still feeling a bit faint so had a 4 finger kitkat! feeling bit better but could still eat loads! Got cold fritatta and salad for tea, got a feeling thats just not going to do it for me lol. Ah well baby clearly having a greedy day. Will try to pull it back tomorrow!