Firstly don't stress! Morning sickness normally goes about week 16, until then it's a reassurance because healthy pregnancies make you sick!
After that you can feel the baby moving!
I had sickness with both of mine, the second with my son was worse and I regularly threw up, and lost 2 stone but I was big anyway.
Tips, eat little and often, never allow yourself to get hungry, so try veggie sticks, sugar snap peas (raw), potato salad, with lots of raw salad veg.
Avoid anything fatty and try starchy foods instead like pasta, potatoes, rice. Go for 'clean' foods that are unprocessed.
Don't worry about baby not getting nutrients, as babies are parasitic and will take from your stores first so it's actually your health that suffers but you can make that up later, it's not a problem.
Do make sure you have a good walk at lunchtime to get your vitamin d and to help with your moods.
Oho nearly forgot congratulations!
I LOVED being pregnant, loved labour too it's an exciting time, full of wonder at what your body can do! Enjoy it, it will get easier (the worst thing with Dort was not being able to drink tea for 7 months! Worst thing about Son was fancying something, then it being on my plate and not being able to eat it!).