Gold Member
That's what gives me panic attacks is the clinical rooms! So I was shocked to see that the high risk unit was same as midwife led just a macheine to monitor u oh and high risk rooms get a sofa and a bloody tv!!! Lol
I just got bk from school run. Which we walk as I feel I can't afford petrol for a 10 min walk and it's better for my son and me to walk.
Well I hurt
again I hurt yesterday after the walk and last night on way bk I had to stop and start as belly went so tight I felt as if baby was squeezed so I saw a lump in my side where his foot is! Wasn't painful in the bump just tight. But wondering how heavy he is as my lady garden (sorry for tmi) hurts like that sore feeling inside at the top? I say top but I actualy am not sure where the top is but up there! Like u put a tampon in and it's not quite right and u have that sore feeling!
I get it every day now! I'm 31 weeks so I have another 9 weeks of this! Blergh!!!!!!! Wonder if it's cuz it's my second baby so everything has been pre stretched and pelvic muscles are not like before a baby?
Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current: 14s 3lb
I just got bk from school run. Which we walk as I feel I can't afford petrol for a 10 min walk and it's better for my son and me to walk.
Well I hurt
I get it every day now! I'm 31 weeks so I have another 9 weeks of this! Blergh!!!!!!! Wonder if it's cuz it's my second baby so everything has been pre stretched and pelvic muscles are not like before a baby?
Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current: 14s 3lb