Pregnancy and Slimming World

jojogonnabeslim said:
Hi yep i cut up my bacon, it was layer potato at bottom bacon onion and half tin beans followed by another layer potato, the rest of the beans bacon n onion and then topped off with one more layer potato then topped with cheese

Leeanne...........stop fretting about your weight!!!! lol that 5lb will most probably be due to swelling......i've got at least half stone on each foot lol! Don't forget baby is putting weight on now as well so you may find you start gaining a bit! Thinking about it is weighing in every wk like i've done actually doing any good? the hell do we know if any gain is due to baby growth, swelling or booby growth????? Or down to us? Think we should all bare that in mind before we start beating ourselves up ........including me! lol

hope everyone has a good day. i'm off to hopefully finish off my xmas shopping xx

I'm not fretting hunny lol still feel proud. My first pref I stuffed my face used pregnancy as an excuse to eat n eat! That's where I gained 3 and half stone and ended up where I am. I monitor myself to take care really as I kno how hard it is to
Lose it and I really wanna help labour this time, I had a poo time with Jacob so I guess fo me monitoring my weight I take
Comfort in. I'm ok with the 5lb gain lol just keep picturing a little fatty in my tum ahahahha :)

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current at 33weeks preg: 14s 7lb
Urgh it's now hit me I'm pregnant :(

Come upstairs out of breath n shattered :,(

I'm tired n ache.

Other half wants nookie n I want cuddles....

All pregnancy I have at times forgot I'm preg. Then today I'm at the "7 weeks n counting" stage :( blerghhhhhhhh

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current at 33weeks preg: 14s 7lb
Had my weigh in yest and I lost a pound. God I was so thick - I thought I had put on because I weighed myself at home. I got confused over the full pound amount rather than the total in stone and pounds!

Anyway - Am really happy as I thought I had put on 3.5 pounds in the 2.5 weeks I had known about being pregnant but actually have only put on 1 pounds!
geordie_lass21 said:
Had my weigh in yest and I lost a pound. God I was so thick - I thought I had put on because I weighed myself at home. I got confused over the full pound amount rather than the total in stone and pounds!

Anyway - Am really happy as I thought I had put on 3.5 pounds in the 2.5 weeks I had known about being pregnant but actually have only put on 1 pounds!

Check u out ;) pat on the bk!!

Fern saw pic of u n penny!!! Soooooo cute!!!!!!!!! She spit of her mummy isn't she!!

I feel bit better just so tired n freaking out bout labour urgh really why am I doin it for the second time am I nuts!

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current at 33weeks preg: 14s 7lb
Ohhh quick q

Is it only if yr bmi is 35 and above ur classed as high risk?

I'm 32... But nothin was said bout high risk due to bmi, even tho my bmi puts me literaly on the border of obese but quite close to overweight range....

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current at 33weeks preg: 14s 7lb
I think it depends on the hospital - I was over 35 and wasn't classed as high risk. I think it may be 40 in our hospital
Its over 35 where i am and if you are unfortunately over 35 and having a normal pregnancy like me they stil dont sign you off and make u carry on with consultant led care. Hubby measured my fundal height yesterday as his eyes nearly popped out how big my belly was looking after my shower (it has been very big since the last 3 weeks and he just happens to notice now!!!) and at 29 weeks i am measuring 36 give or take a cm! Eek i hope its my big belly and not a massive baby! Getting paranoid now and just want my scan to come fast so that i know everything is ok.
Is hubby trained to do ya fundal height as there is a certain way?

I measured 2 weeks ahead last time at appointment, but there not concerned as I don't gave diabetes. But I know that fundal height isn't anything to go by really plus I kno ppl sent for a scan for big or small babies and even scans aren't accurate so don't worry hunny xx

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current at 33weeks preg: 14s 7lb
She said it was my age hun, as I'm 36 I'm classed as high risk. Shame they ignored things when I was 4 years younger which resulted in my placenta abrubting! I really wasn't looked after by midwife or hospital, its pants near me x
Thanks Leeanne. I know the other day you said you went to the docs to check your blood pressure. Was it normal or high.

Mine was high the whole of my pregnancy (it wasnt, I had an incompetent trainee take my blood pressure first time round and after that point every blood pressure reading was high). I knew she did it wrong, she didnt know what she was doing and was using the old fasioned pump round your arm type.

ANyway, I got changed to consultant led right at the last minute. To be honest, in our hospital it didnt make any difference. The rooms both looked the same but the consultant led rooms also had monitoring equipment on them as well. There wasnt actually a consultant in there, just the midwife.
i think all hospitals have their own little set of rules to suit them! lol bmi of over 35 means you can't go on midwife led unit.........i'm bang on that! but have been told if all is well with pregnancy they will reassess! I now can't go on due to the bleed i had the other wk! Grrrrrr.........knowing my luck it would have been full anyway due to only being 6 rooms! i'm at the point now where i'm not bothered where i give birth.....i can imagine once the pains kick in you become oblivious to your surroundings anyway!!!! lol

Midwife check this morning at 38+4 wks pregnant.........all is well, blood pressure/urine fine.Baby measuring spot on and heart beat still good and strong. He's fully locked and loaded yay!!!!! I'm just playing the waiting game now! Wish i could sleep, i'm not fretting or stressed about anything just wide awake!!!!! Heartburn not helping!

Jojo I'm so excited for you! Hope baby doesn't keep you hanging...

I expect I'll have a different journey next time round if we decide to have another, as I had high bp in particular the last couple of months, plus was induced and Bella had a couple of difficulties which meant they had to hurry getting her out and used a ventouse , luckily I was fully dilated otherwise would have had a c section (I will get round to writing my birth story eventually!!), so not sure if all that means I'll be consultant led next time? Although I don't think it really makes a difference in our hospital.
I was very close to having a c-section too as i as not dilating probably and had all sorts of problems - not to fear as it is the last resort and it all worked out in the end - even though charles had to have help breathing when he came into the world, babies will be ready and strong :)
I unfortunately had to have an emergency c section with my son.
I ha Pre eclamsia so was induced.
They monitor u for an hour an within that hour mikeys heart rate dropped so low they thought it was my heart beat. The consultant was all ready to send me back upstairs to labour but the midwife was adamant that the babies heart rate was low and it wasn't picking up mine.
So they broke my waters and put a clip on his head whilst he was inside me and it continued to drop and stop and never fully recovered so they said if we waited any longer we could loose him.

I just thank god for thAt midwife putting her foot down or my beautiful boy wouldn't be here now. X