I unfortunately had to have an emergency c section with my son.
I ha Pre eclamsia so was induced.
They monitor u for an hour an within that hour mikeys heart rate dropped so low they thought it was my heart beat. The consultant was all ready to send me back upstairs to labour but the midwife was adamant that the babies heart rate was low and it wasn't picking up mine.
So they broke my waters and put a clip on his head whilst he was inside me and it continued to drop and stop and never fully recovered so they said if we waited any longer we could loose him.
I just thank god for thAt midwife putting her foot down or my beautiful boy wouldn't be here now. X
Leeanne910 said:Is hubby trained to do ya fundal height as there is a certain way?
I measured 2 weeks ahead last time at appointment, but there not concerned as I don't gave diabetes. But I know that fundal height isn't anything to go by really plus I kno ppl sent for a scan for big or small babies and even scans aren't accurate so don't worry hunny xx
Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current at 33weeks preg: 14s 7lb
geordie_lass21 said:Great news on finishing work Leeanne. I didnt get anything til I had the baby (isnt that normal)?
Fatty_no_more - Thats awful about your work. I would have been really upset. Its not your fault you were in hospital, and was a lot more distressing for you than it would be for them.
Am definitely going to find out what I am having. I have opposite symptoms to what I had with my little girl so am thinking boy. Last time I only had: Needing to wee lots and excessive tiredness. This time I have neither of those but feel nauseous and my books feel fuller.
Although I am sure ppl say they lose weight because they feel so sick. I feel sick that I want to eat and then feel worse, I am hungry all the time - is this normal at only 7 weeks.
I could quite easily have my lunch now at 11.15 haha (and i only had breakfast at 9)!