I breast fed until my little man was 15 months too!! Really struggled at the start but got through it and so pleased that I struggled on, it was a great experience, easy once I'd got to grips with it and its great knowing they're getting everything they need from you!!
Cheers for the link, I'll take a look at it!!
I went to our local NCT sale today, didn't really get anything for the baby buts lots of toys for Freddies birthday/crimbo, he is deffo gonna be spoilt as he's got loads of stuff already!! Really pleased!!
Made the mushy pea curry today and had it on SW chips & cheese, perfect for watching xfactor, really tastes like chip shop curry sauce and put extra superfree in it!!
My mother in law told me how my bumps got lots bigger but the rest of me is looking slimmer and that I look really good, I love her!! I have the nicest mother in law in the world, she's just had her second bout of chemo for breast cancer and has lost a lot of her hair now which used to be all down her back, so sad as she's so lovely!!!
Hope everyone's ok??xxxx